Chapter one

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        Courtney POV

   Courtney Barlow has just recently broken up with her ex-(once again)boyfriend who has (once again for the second time) cheated with her best friend Gwendolyn or Gwen for short, again. She was now at the park taking a late night walk to calm her nerves from murdering anyone. Then.....BAM!

She walk right into another person then they fell into the smooth and cut grass. "I'm sorry. I wasn't paying attention", Courtney said in a embarrassed voice. The stranger had their hood up before so when they fell so did the hood. Courtney helped the stranger get up but when she looked at him.

She saw the most interesting eyes that she couldn't stop looking into. "Are you ok?", The stranger asked, "you look a little bruised. By the way I'm Mal. And I'm also sorry for bumping into you.". "Well I'm Courtney and I'm pretty sure I gotta go now it's getting late. Nice meeting you Mal" Courtney said to her new friend.

Mal's POV

Mal felt something go off in his mind and immediately asked, "can I get your number? So we can talk later ya know if there's any time we can talk." The way he said it made him look nervous like he wanted to get to know her.

He didn't understand this feeling. "Sure my number is-..." Courtney started to say then Mal whipped out his phone and started typing in the digits. "Thanks and cya later Courtney!" Mal said as she walked off to go home.

He thought about her all night and all of the next day,  even while he was at work. He was thinking of texting her  something at home that night.

What should I text her?  Would she reply? What if I text something and she doesn't like it?
These questions have yet to have no answers (jk)
He was gonna text something basic at that point

                    Chat history

                    Courtney                       Me



Wanna hang tomorrow?

Sure what time?
How's 12:00 at the ice cream parlor?

That's perfectly fine cya tomorrow Mal

Cya tomorrow Courtney
Read at 8:39 pm

Mal couldn't wait for their date- wait DATE?!?!

Cya next chapter at the ice cream parlor 😏😉😉

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