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We collected rocks today. In case Liy finds us.

We probably should have tried to get into the underground vault, but... it was a risky route, I'll just say that.

Maybe eventually we could head back, but that would be risky, because we never know where Liy might be... we also never know who is working with her.

I'm sure all our friends are staying safe in the vault. Maybe once we take care of Liy, the rest of us could be united again.

Foldy and Stapy are making rations while me and Marker collect rocks. Cloudy, Puffball, and Lightning are on the lookout for Liy.

I wonder how Lollipop and Book are doing... I am assuming they're safe. There is not really a reason for Liy to harm them.

Blocky's POV

I left the others... I snook out when nobody was in the main room...

I feel kind of bad leaving Eraser alone but... I'm sure he could deal with it. It probably isn't as bad as what Pen is going through.

I hope Liy isn't still hurting him.. He did nothing wrong.

I am getting closer to the ledge.

Once I get there, I will have to get across somehow...

Fries POV

This isn't good... My fries are starting to rot. If I run out I will go unconscious, which isn't good.

I take out the rotting ones, leaving me with two... then I hear somebody coming up.

"Hey Fri-"

"Don't even think about trying anything Gelatin!" I say, before he eats one of my last fries.

"Try what?"

I point up to the last two fries.

"If I run out of fries, it won't be good!"

He frowns and says, "Wait really? I never.. I never knew that..."

I look as a hint of worry gleams in his eyes.

"Gelatin, if you weren't coming to eat my fries, why'd you come over here?"

"I was honestly just coming to check up on you."

"Really?" I ask.

"Yes, it's pretty dangerous around now you know?"

I smile faintly. "Thanks Gelatin."

He smiles weakly than leaves. Maybe he was coming to eat, maybe he wasn't. Either way that was probably the least chaotic conversation we have ever had.


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