Chapter 8

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  • Dedicated to Courtney Kennedy

28th April

Today is my eighteenth birthday, so I am buying some essentials  and some juice ‘cause you know how I cant drink alcohol when I am pregnant. So I wont be eating anything with it ‘cause I don’t want to hurt my baby.

In the past couple ov months were hard on both ov us. The baby was getting bigger and bigger, putting more weight on me. When I kept getting fatter and fatter I asked Jessie “ If I don’t lose all this weight, will you still love me the way you do?”

He had to think about that for awhile. After another minute he came right out and said “ I will always love you, Dawn. No matter how big you get. I will always be here or there for you and our little one, so you don’t have to worry about that”

On weekdays Jessie goes out in the morning and comes back in the evening. We have the weekends to ourselves and the little one still in progress. Our parents are staying in a hotel for the time being because they want to be here when I give birth.

1st May

Today is Jessie’s eighteenth birthday and we are going out to some kind ov restaurant that I can’t pronounce the name ov. I think that it is a Latin name or something like it, ‘cause I just love the way it is spelt. E.L.G.A.S.T.O or maybe it is Spanish.

When we got to our table we both ordered ‘steak Dianne’ and a cake. It forever for them to bring our food to us and by them we just wanted to go home and do what we want to do without disturbing anyone out.

At around eleven thirty I got ready for bed and got in very slowly ‘cause it was very tense. Just before Jessie was about to get in after the shower, I felt something wet in the bed. I pulled up the sheets and right there where I was some water and some urine.

“Baby I think my water just broke.”  he goes and gets our overnight bag then comes back to help me out ov the bed. We got to the car and he helped me into the passengers seat. He ran around to the drivers side and we sped off into the night towards the hospital.

Around five hours later, we had a beautiful baby girl named Elle. The next day we took her home and took her into her room for the time being. Then we called our parents and told them to come over ‘cause we have two surprise’s for them all.

When they got here Elle was asleep in our arms on our bed, so we took her into her room and Jessie left us to go greet them and welcome them in. They all sat down in the lounge and waited while Jessie went and got them some refreshments and put them on the coffee table.

They all got a drink and something to eat, then asked “So Jessie what are the surprise’s you have got install for all ov us?” he then asked through the wall “should we tell the oldest news or the newest news first, baby” “um the oldest would be better to go first, cause it came first.”

“Well… we are moving to Miami, cause the company I am working with just shot me up the ladder to the C.O position. The other news is that we went into labour last night and it is a beautiful baby girl.”

They all nearly jumped out ov their skins. Then said “Well… can we see her, since we are her close family. Why didn’t you call us last night then, we would ov been there for you two at the hospital.” “Because ov one reason, it was midnight and we felt that you needed your rest. So we didn‘t want to wake you up and besides that there was no need to, we were totally fine”

He came into the room and helped me get up while trying not to wake Elle up. Then he wrapped his arms around us and we walked out into the lounge room. He then cuddles us both close before we show them our little beautiful baby girl Elle.

Jessie moves around to my side and we face our parents. Our parents being parents themselves, come rushing towards us and wake up Elle. From now on we will be living like nothing last.

This is all that I am going to tell you ‘cause whatever happens to us will be in the future and frankly no one can tell what the future may hold in store for us. Except that a few months later we became a happily married young couple with a family to our name’s.

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