Chapter 4

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Her car is a new blue Fair lady, she went for a drive. It was quit obvious where she was going in her heart but her mind didn’t actually figure it out until she got in the street. The street she was in now is Jessie’s.

 Before she had the chance to turn around , he had spotted her and was waving to her. He had his baby blue school clothes on with his backpack over his left shoulder, it looked like he had just got home from school but it is way to early. So instead of turning away she went and drove into his driveway. When she got out her face was all messed up with her tears, but she didn’t care.

Dawn walked up to Jessie and jumped at the very last minute to get up to his eye view because he is a lot taller then she is. Once she was in his eye view she hooked her legs around him to stay close without falling to the ground, and they cuddle. While cuddling he asks “Dawn are you okay?” and then I go “ I was earlier this morning but now I just feel like shit.” He let her get off and held her while she steadied herself back onto solid ground.

Then he holds her by the hand and tows her in through the door and the lounge room and into his room, he set her down on his bed while he went and got changed. When he was in the bathroom she started to look around his room.  All she could see was all the picture’s they took of each other and together, when they were little kids they had so much fun together and so they started to take pictures to document it on their walls.

When he came back I asked “Why are you home so early?” then he said “I got into a fight with this dude named Nathan because he said something about you and I just snapped. Today was my last day anyway ‘cause I signed out this morning and you know me, I cant take any thing that anyone says about you. Oh did I tell you, I arranged with your mama for me to come up and live with you two, cause you need a man there to look after you two.”

Oh my I can’t believe that he actually fought for me again, he could of ruined his rep, but it looks like he doesn’t care about it, just that he doesn’t like anyone talking shit about me. I feel so loved. I must be really special to him to get this kind of back up. Then he said “Anyway if I knew you were coming down today I would of stayed home and cleaned up just for you. Anyway what are you doing here? And with tears all over your beautiful  face and  made you look like a slut with make up all over your face. Hay you know I’m not calling you a slut don’t you” I nodded my head.

He sat back onto the bed, held my hand and we stared into each others eyes for a moment and then I say “ do you remember Kris Paul?” and he nods so I tell him everything that had happened all the way up to why I am here. Then I got a message from Tim asking where the hell I am because I’m not at home and I told him I was going home. So I txt back and said I am with Jessie at his house and said I am ok.

  “They are going to pay. I swear I mean look at what they did to you, they made you cry. when you cry in front of me it makes me mad cause someone has actually made you cry and I want to fight for you.” then I said “you don’t have to do that by yourself  for me cause Tim said he is going to make there lives miserable before i get back. So that we can do it together but now that you will be there with us you can help.” “of course I will help.”

When his parents got home they helped put all of Jessie’s carry on stuff in my boot and then we had dinner. After dinner Jessie and I went back into his room and played the best car game - on his Xbox 360 - which is Need For Speed: Carbon. At about nine thirty I went into his bathroom to have a shower and he went into his parents bathroom to have his shower.

After I had a shower I went and wrote in my Diary.

Dear me.

While Jessie is still in the shower I am sitting here alone on his bed with tears welling up in my eyes. What did I expect from a player? I know that I should not be crying since this would have happened anyway. It was once 1-2-3 ain’t it funny what may seem, a perfect world to be a dream.

My heart was pulled straight out of me and smeared for everyone to see. That my perfect life they all seem to see, is only just a mystery. Now what they see is just another ordinary girl with so much pain inside of her, but she pretends that she is perfect. So tonight I say sorry to myself for being the perfect person for him to rip out my heart for the whole world to see.

Later Dawn

When Jessie got out he offered me his bed and I took it, but I asked if he could sleep in it next to me. So that to feel safe. Then I said “I always feel safe when you are around because we have been like this since we were way young and we know each other really well. I trust you with my whole life and I would treat you the same no matter what happens, I will always love you but better then any other girl.” Then he got in and we held each other until we fell asleep.

When I woke up it was about eight am. So I woke Jessie up and we went into the kitchen and had a hot chocolate and some fruit bread. After we had breakfast we headed on the road even though it is only thirty minutes from Goulburn to Wombat. We wanted to get to the school so we can sign Jessie in and meet up with Tim at recess. When we got there it was a bit hard to walk to where Tim was because of the PLAYER and the BITCH.

 So when we got to the corner Jessie took my hand and pulled me up close in lyk a move in the salsa being all kinda sexy wearing blue. Then I jumped up onto his hips so that he could carry me when we got around the corner we started pashing. But it felt way different this time compared to other times. I mean i gott so wet and i could feel his body heat coming up through my panties where my skirt lifted up to fit me around him perfectly.

When we walked past them, I could see from the corner of my eye that they were looking at me but I didn’t even return the look because I was to busy keeping my eyes on Jessie’s. During the day they are a baby blue like the shimmery ocean with the sunset rays glistering over it and onto the far mountains. During the night they are as dark as blue could be, like the sky above while stars shine down showering us with light. His muscles are very taught and his skin is a Russet Blonde.

When we got to Tim I got off Jessie and he came and gave me a cuddle and said that “I have been real nasty to them lately because of what they did to you Dawn." Then he turns to Jessie and gives him a shake "Hae man what are you doing here?” then Jessie goes “Well I signed out yesterday. Dawn told me EVERYTHING and it was already planned that I was coming up to live. So I thought that I might help you two and besides that I am here to protect her  and be here for her just like she was there for me when we were younger.”

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