~A Place For Her~

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A/N: For those of you who didn't know, the Hamilton's took in a little girl named Frances Antill when she was two years old. They raised her as their own for the next nine years. She was brought up alongside their own children, and Frances's relationship with the Hamilton's was so strong that she later named her own daughter Elizabeth.

  Alexander kept himself as still as he possibly could. With each rattle or bump the wagon made on the rocky dirt road he winced, but the little girl in his arms reminded sound asleep. There had been a lot of crying before, but she had finally cried herself empty and allowed herself to be rocked to sleep by the man who took her away from her papa.

  When the wagon came to a stop in front of the Hamiltons' house, Alexander realized how quiet the night was. Dark as it was silent, with a few lonely silver stars dotting the sky, it was like the whole world was asleep. Gingerly creeping out of the wagon, he paid the driver and gently carried his little guest to the front door. His walk was careful and slow; he was practically hovering over the walkway. When he stepped onto the front porch, the light of a single candle in the window illuminated the little girl's sleeping face. Alexander brushed a chestnut curl out of her eyes, and he noticed light freckles dotting her tear-stained cheeks. She reminded him of his son, Philip, who was only five years old. If Philip had had to go through what this little one had been through- and only at two, no less- it was too much for Alexander to even think about. He raised his fist and tapped a soft knock on the front door.

  The light from inside blinded Alexander for a moment when Eliza opened the door. She smiled at him with loving relief, just like she always did when he came home later than expected. But before she could say anything, her smile faded into a look of confusion at the bundle in his arms.

  "Who's this?"

  Alexander's breath momentarily caught in his throat. He had never told Eliza that they would be having a visitor tonight. "This," His gaze followed Eliza's to the little girl. "is Frances Antill. Fanny."

  That didn't make Eliza any less confused, but she couldn't let her husband stand outside with a young child in the middle of the night. "Come in, come in, she'll catch a cold."

  Once the door was shut behind them, Eliza said, "I don't understand... she's Edward's daughter? Why...?"

  "Edward can't take care of her, Betsey." Alexander's voice was raspy and sad. Two years ago, his good friend Edward had lost his wife- and Fanny had lost her mother. He had never recovered from her loss, and his unemployment and crippling grief had left him unstable. Eventually he had no choice but to track Alexander down in the city and ask him the hardest favor imaginable to a parent.

  "I promised him we would love her as our own," he went on as he met Eliza's eyes again. "As soon as her sister is old enough, she will take her in."

  Eliza was quiet as she watched the rise and fall of Fanny's belly as she slept . Lovingly, she reached forward and stroked the little girl's arm with the back of her two fingers. Her skin bore the chubby softness of early childhood.

  "I know we're just getting by, and I wish I could have talked to you about this..." Alexander began, his voice cracking as he spoke. "But this all just happened so suddenly and, well..."

  What Alex didn't say was that he felt a personal connection to this little girl. Like her, he had lost his family at a young age. He had to find his own way in the world and create a life for himself on his own, with no parents to guide him. And Fanny was even younger than he when she had lost her parents. As a child, all he wanted was a safe, loving home to call his own. Now, as an adult, he could provide that for Fanny. He had to.

  Suddenly, Fanny began to stir in his arms, whimpering softly. When Alexander rocked the little girl back and forth, she only cried harder. Instinctively, Eliza swept Fanny up and held her to her chest. She let her body sway gently as she hushed Fanny's crying. With one final cry, Fanny settled herself in Eliza's arms and brought two fingers to her mouth. As she sucked on her fingers, her breathing fell back into its sleepy rhythm, and she was quiet once again.

  "I'll do whatever it takes to provide for us," Alexander swore. "If it means longer hours and extra assignments... I'll do it."

  "Alexander," Eliza finally said. "It's alright. Of course we have a place for her."

  Alexander looked up at his wife. She had Fanny's head on her shoulder, tucked just under her ear. That spot was where all three of his children had been raised. They still made a home for themselves there when they needed their mother's affection. Her warm chocolate eyes were glowing with earnestness as she nodded. Alexander smiled. Without a word, he went to Eliza's side and wrapped his arm around her, and together, they stared down at the little life in their arms. Though they had just met her, they were ready to become everything she was missing in life. They had no answers to any of the questions they were asking themselves, such as how the children were going to respond, and how they would be able to provide for them all. None of it mattered at the moment. What mattered was that this girl needed them, and they were there.

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