~A Toast to the Bride~

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  The collar of Alexander's suit felt like a noose growing tighter and tighter around him. He dared to cast another glance across the courtyard of the wedding party. There they were, their foreheads touching affectionately, with Eliza's hands in John's; on their faces was the same beaming smile. They certainly were enjoying the fact that they could caress and cuddle each other in public now. 

  It hurt to watch. 

  "Alright, alright... settle down, everyone!" Angelica's voice sounded as she rose from her seat, clinking her fork to her glass. "Everyone, please welcome the best man, Alexander Hamilton!"

  Alexander felt his face flush over as the sound of applause rose around him. It wasn't that he was bad with public speaking- he was quite skilled, actually- but he didn't know if he could bring himself to give a toast right now. John and Eliza met his eyes, expectant and eager. He suppressed a sigh. These were the two people in the world he would do anything for. He had no choice. 

  "A toast to the groom!" he sounded as he rose from his seat, raising his glass in the air. 

  "To the groom!" echoed the people around him. John grinned at him, and he willed himself to keep going. 

  "To the bride!"

  "To the bride!"

  Eliza was practically glowing, but all the exterior beauty she possessed could never properly display how beautiful she was on the inside. 

  "To your union, and the hope that you provide..."

  "To the revolution!" chorused his friends. 

  Alex let himself smile. "May you always be satisfied."

  "Cheers!" Everyone clinked their glasses together, the sound crescendoing as the laughter and chatter refill the courtyard. Alex looked around at all of his friends, wishing he felt the way they did. But he didn't. He never would. 

  That night replayed itself in his head everyday, and every time he would wonder why things went the way they did. How he could have changed it. A completely new story could have been told if he had acted differently. 

  It was the Winter's Ball of 1780. The socially elite and soldiers alike had been looking forward to this night. His friends had been teasing him as they arrived; they knew his reputation with the ladies, and Alexander wouldn't deny it. He flittered around from one partner to the other, charming and bewitching one after the other until the doors opened. Suddenly, three girls entered in a line, their heads high as the entire party turned to stare at them. The Schuyler sisters had arrived. 

  Two of them were quickly swept up with dance partners, which left the girl in the middle of the line, the one in the pale blue ballgown, all alone. She was gorgeous. It made Alexander weak in the knees. Quickly, he made his way over to her and purred, "Excuse me, mademoiselle, but I couldn't help but notice you were without a partner. I would be honored to assist you."

  The girl giggled. "Thank you, sir," she replied. Together, they quickly took to the floor. They quietly talked, almost murmuring in each other's ears to be heard over the music. This girl didn't talk much unless talked to first, but when she was prodded, she would go on and on about the war effort. She and her sisters had given smallpox inoculations to soldiers, she had raised funds and supplies for a nearby camp, and she had helped her aunt sew on insignias to the soldier's jackets. All she wanted to do was help. It warmed Alexander's heart to the core.

  "A pretty girl like you wouldn't prefer going to parties and taking sleigh rides to work like that?" Alex inquired.

  She shrugged. "There'll be time for that when the war's over."

  Alexander did his best to keep his touched smile from growing too wide. "My name is Alexander Hamilton."

  "Elizabeth Schuyler," the girl replied gracefully. 

  If he had known that name would never leave his mind from that moment on, a part of Alexander wished he had never heard it. 

  When their dance finished, they broke away, and Alexander could feel his heard pounding within his chest. She was different from all the other girls he had danced with. He wanted more than to just flirt with her and make her blush. He wanted to get to know her. Spend real time with her. He hadn't known her long, but he believed he loved her. 

  Before he could act on, or even really process these feelings, he was met by John. 

  "Alex!" he called, hurrying over to him in nervous eagerness. John put his arm around Alex's shoulder and whispered, "See that Schuyler girl over there? The one in the blue dress?" He leaned in closer. "This one's mine. Okay?"

  Alexander snapped his gaze to face John. His eyes were wide, and they were lost with consuming want. He was helpless.  

  All at once, the whole world froze for Alexander. John was his best friend, practically his brother. He knew the man almost as well as he knew himself, and while sometimes childlike in his emotions, he had never acted like this about another person before. 

   They were perfect for each other. They really were. They were two kind souls, both earnest in their feelings and selfless in their actions. They deserved each other. He could tell John no, he reasoned. He could tell him that he wanted her, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. The words caught themselves on his tongue and faded away to nothing. 

  Since he couldn't trust himself with words, he smiled at John, turned around, and went to catch up with Eliza.

  "Would you be so kind as to follow me for a moment, mademoiselle?" 

  Eliza furrowed her brow as he held out his arm to her. "Where are you taking me?"

  Alexander felt a rush as she took a gentle hold on his arm. It would probably be the only time he ever held her arm in his. "I'm about to change your life." 

  "Oh. I see," Eliza gave an uncertain giggle and fell silent. Alexander kept his gaze forward, trying not to look to his side. If he did, he wouldn't be able to keep moving forward. Taking a deep breath, he presented Eliza to John.

  John stiffened up with nerves before lowering into a bow and said, "John Laurens. A pleasure to meet you, miss."

  Eliza smiled, the slightest hint of a blush forming on her cheeks. "It's a pleasure to meet you, too."

  As Alexander watched this exchange, he couldn't help but smile knowingly. "I'll leave you to it, then." He turned his back to them, fully aware of what was going to happen as he walked away. That didn't make it any easier. 

  You'll get over her, Alex, he told himself. You've only just met her. Give yourself a day or two, and you'll forget all about her.

  Unfortunately, just the opposite happened. Sparks flew between John and Eliza, just like Alexander knew would happen, but he only fell harder and more in love with Eliza with each meeting. Her tender spirit was something he couldn't forget, and he had never met another girl who rivaled her beauty. 

  Now here he was at their wedding. It hadn't been easy to watch his best friend marry the girl he loved, but he knew it was for the best. As he watched the two share a sweet kiss under the pink evening sky, he knew they would be happy together.

  They would always be satisfied, but he would never be. 

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