~Eskimo kisses {Modern Child Au}~

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  All the children in Mr. Washington's kindergarten class at Kings Elementary were filled with the same hyperactive excitement that only came at this time of year. The ground outside was covered in white powder, and the sky was a timber grey. That was when Mr. Washington said those special words:

  "Get your stuff together and line up, everybody. We're having an early closing because of the snow." 

  In a frenzy of laughter and cheers, all the kids grabbed their backpacks, put on their coats, adjusted their hats, and ran for the door. It's a miracle that the doors weren't smashed through. Eliza smiled with delight as she headed down the school's front steps. Snowy winter days were her favorite days in the whole world. When she got home, she was going to play in the yard with Angelica and Peggy until they couldn't feel their fingers. Then they would do their homework by the fireplace, and then watch Christmas movies with hot cocoa. The thought of all this made her squeal with excitement. She tilted her head back and let the snowflakes dot her cheeks and cling to her eyelashes. 

  "Don't you just love snow, Alex?" she called to her friend, who was slowly following behind her. 

  "No," she heard Alex grumble. Eliza blinked in surprise. Who didn't like snow? Eliza turned around to see Alex, the hood on his thin blue coat up around his glowering face. It was then that Eliza remembered that he came from a faraway place called Nevis, where it was always warm like summertime. This year was probably his first time ever seeing snow, and he must be freezing. Especially with that thin little coat of his. Eliza looked down at her sky-blue, fur-lined coat and her fuzzy winter hat, and she felt very bad for him. 

  "I hate snow," Alex griped. "It makes my nose cold." Sure enough, the tip of his nose was bright red like Rudolph the reindeer's. Eliza was moved with pity for Alex. In a quick movement, she leaned forward and touched her nose to his, giving him an Eskimo kiss. Alex gaped at her in surprise as she pulled away, his cheeks growing as red as his nose.

  "Is that better?" Eliza asked him, feeling a little warm in the face herself.

  "Yeah..." he mumbled, staring widely at her. Eliza smiled shyly before turning around again. As she walked away, Alex started to smile. He liked that thing she did to him. Reaching out to her, he eagerly called, "Do it again!"  Grinning sheepishly, Eliza turned around, took Alex's hands, and the two of them rubbed their noses together. The snow made everything freezing, but together they felt very warm. 

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