New Revelations​

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When she agreed to start the journey of her new life with her husband, she didn't know that there will be days like these. Days when she didn't know whether her decisions were correct or not.

When she embraced this journey she didn't know her destination. But now as events unfold she precisely didn't know how to react to the situation.

Heart break.

Things were not easy when she ended her past relationship. To lessen the pain she chose to work. Work work and work made her what she is today.
A strong woman.

"At least acting like a strong woman if not truly one" corrected her mind voice.

But today everything seems to change. The accident. Her relation with Raman and finally her position in the office. She had no other option than selecting an alternative for her, so that the project is completed. She knew she made a wise decision. Yet something made her worry. She had a gut feeling that she made a wrong choice.

Giving her thoughts a rest, she hit the bed and entered the world of dreams.

Meanwhile in the other part of the city

He knew his fate was bad, but never in his wildest dreams he thought that this day while arrive. Yet he had the most insane feeling that the worst is yet to happen.


The mere name made him remember the past from which he was never able to move on till date.

"Over thinking is a deadly disease. It kills you from​ inside. And most importantly it kills your happiness" said Mihir as he understood Raman's thoughts.

"I'm not over thinking or pondering over things that won't happen Mihir. And mainly it's not about love anymore. And you know Shagun well I think. She reminds me of everything, my past, my college, my friend and especially she reminds me about life and dreams. She reminds me of her. She reminds me of everything that I lost Mihir" said​ Raman trying to stop his tears.

Of everything Raman spoke, something hit Mihir hard. Unable to resist he voiced his thoughts out.

"She reminds of her??? Did you say that? Didn't your marriage remind you about the person you loved the more. "


Raman was unable to answer. And he knew why. The marriage reminded him everything about her. The only love of his life.

After the break up, moving on was never his option. He didn't know why but his heart felt that it was indeed true love and he should wait for the moment to happen.

Yet time and destiny had some other plans.

With all these thoughts he went home after informing Mihir about tomorrow's work.

After entering his silent home, he at once knew all were asleep. It became his daily routine to come home early just for taking care of Ishita and being with her as a support system.
But today everything seems to change upside down. He was relieved seeing Ishita sleeping peacefully and finally he too slept.

And days passed away like minutes. Raman was extremely busy as the project consumed most of his time. Yet he took care of Ishita and helping her out.

It was one day when Ishita requested Raman not to worry about her but asked to complete the project soon.

But you have to promise me to take care of yourself Ishita.

Arey don't worry Raman. I can and I will take care of myself.

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