17, myg

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"He screamed to get my attention," Yoongi scoffed. "The little brat."

"I am not a brat!"

"What'd he say?" asked Jimin, as he followed Yoongi into the living room.

"He agreed with me."

Shooky gave up on trying to disagree with Yoongi, huffing in defeat.

He's so SMALL, Yoongi thought as he entered the living room. And Shooky was small; he fit in the palm of Yoongi's hand.

Yoongi snapped his fingers to get Taehyung and Tata's attention. Both their heads snapped up, wearing similar expressions of confusion. Tata squealed at the sight of Shooky and bounced up to Yoongi.

"Tata ta?"

"He's asking if he can hang with Shooky," Taehyung translated.

"Uh, sure," Yoongi said, lowering his hand so Shooky could jump off. Shooky jumped onto Tata's head, and Tata marched to the couch farthest away.

"Was that loud scream from Yoongi hyung?" Taehyung asked. He got up off of the couch, the device in hand.

"No, it was Shooky," Yoongi grumbled. "I don't scream like that."

Taehyung giggled. "Sure you don't."

From the other couch, Tata said something to Taehyung. Taehyung nodded and turned back to Yoongi and Jimin.

"Shooky got here using his device," said Taehyung. "It'll only be a matter of time 'til the others show up."

Jimin adjusted Chimmy in his arms.

"What do we do until then?"

Taehyung shrugged. "We wait."

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