07, knj

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Kim Namjoon wasn't too excited about hiding two aliens in the dorms. Being the leader, he usually made the important decisions, although he wasn't the oldest.

Deciding whether to hide aliens or not seemed pretty important to him.

But he knew there was no convincing the others to change their plan. Especially maknae line. He imagined that once Jungkook spent some time around Chimmy and Tata, he'd become part of their little circle.

All Namjoon wanted was to not get anyone in the group arrested.

He sighed, and entered Hoseok and Jimin's room, where Hoseok was frantically searching the internet, most likely for laws that would get them arrested.

"How's it going?" Namjoon asked casually, biting into his apple.

"How's it going?" Hoseok repeated, eyes wide. "How's it — we're hiding aliens in the dorm!"

"I know," Namjoon said. "Also, Jimin said Chimmy doesn't like it when you refer to him as an alien."

"That doesn't freak you out?" Hoseok asked incredulously, continuing like Namjoon hadn't spoken.

Namjoon shrugged. "I mean, it's kinda weird, but I'm not freaked out, not really. Besides, didn't Jimin explain that you knew about Chimmy since day one?"

"Yeah, I did."

"Then why are you panicking? You knew about this before me, and I'm not panicking."

"Because the reality of the situation is hitting me just now!" Hoseok said, somewhat defensively.

"Just calm down. Even Jungkook and Jin hyung are taking it better than you are."

"That's because Jungkook is, well, Jungkook! And Jin hyung... he's older than me, so he's wiser."

Namjoon snorted. "Keep telling yourself that."

"You're not helping."

"Well, I got you to stop panicking, didn't I?"

"...yeah." Hoseok said reluctantly. Then he frowned. "Jungkook's BT21 character is Cooky, right?"

"Yeah, Kookie's character is Cooky."

"And Cooky can turn into a super muscular bunny or something,right?"


Hoseok raised his eyebrows.

Realization dawned on Namjoon. "Oh. We're done for. I mean, that bunny could kill us if he wanted to... I'm gonna go find Jungkook and scold him for giving Cooky that ability."

"I'm gonna keep—"

"Panicking and looking for laws that might get us arrested, I know," Namjoon smirked, and left the room, heading back to the living room.

He saw Yoongi and Jin talking quietly, and the maknae line playing with Chimmy and Tata on the couches. Jungkook was sitting on the floor so he could be eye level with the characters.

Namjoon walked up to him and smacked his head.

"What— hyung! What was that for?"

"You hit us all the time, Kookie. Also, that was because thanks to you, we might as well get murdered."

Jungkook widened his doe eyes. "What?"

"The character you created, Cooky. He can turn into a supersized muscular bunny with a six pack, right?"

"Yeah, but—" Jungkook paused. Then he started freaking out. "Oh, no! No no no no no! He's gonna beat us up if we startle him or something. He could fight us, he would win! Why did I give him that power, why—"

"You can communicate with him since you're his creator, based on what we learned from Chimmy and Tata," Namjoon interrupted Jungkook's panicked rambling.


"So have a nice, civilized, bunny to bunny conversation about why he shouldn't pulverize us."

Jungkook nodded slowly, then frowned. "I'm not a bunny—"

"Yes, you are, listen to your hyungs," Namjoon said, ruffling Jungkook's hair.

"You are a bunny, Kook," Jimin said. Taehyung nodded. Chimmy and Tata nodded too.

"I'm being ganged up on!"

Jin, who was listening to the conversation, came over with Yoongi, and said, "Can't say I disagree, that would be lying."

Yoongi hummed in agreement.

Jungkook pouted and crossed his arms. Namjoon grinned, because the maknae was simply so cute, and then said, "I'll be back, I left my phone in my bedroom."

Namjoon walked into his room and spotted his phone on his desk. He grabbed it and froze. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw something on his bed. He turned around slowly, and held his phone like a weapon.

There was a blue koala with a purple nose sleeping on his bed.

At this point, Namjoon thought that maybe he should've expected it.

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