Yandere Girlfriend?

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Present Time. Amy's POV

(At the front yard of your House)

Amy: Hello? (Y/N)?

I knocked on his door but no response. I sighed since, (Y/N) has been so distant with me lately. Even though we are boyfriend and girlfriend. He called me by my name with a sweet and a soothing voice that's like, music to my ears yet, all I could hear is his pain and sorrow from his voice recently.

Amy: 'What kind of a girlfriend am I? Letting my boyfriend in such a worse condition?'

I thought and assumed too quickly. Then, I remembered of when the day we met. It was spring where cherry blossoms, bloomed the entire city. It was a beautiful sight. We bumped to each other and I fell down, then he offered me his hand. A sweet, kind and a polite boy he is. After that, we glanced each other, almost everyday, until we spoke to each other again.

Amy: 'It surely made my day'

I love him, and he loves me too.

Amy: 'Door's locked. I think there's a spare key here somewhere...'

I sometimes space out just by looking at him. Maybe, he told me where the spare key was. Silly me. Anyways, I need to go inside to see what he is so sad about.




Amy: Found it!

Took me like, 5 minutes to find it and it was behind of a Cosmos flower. I'm not a botanist or anything, but I used to have this flower at home. Maybe, he knew that I like this flower and bought it. Oh, (Y/N). You're so sweet~...

...I unlocked the door...

Amy: Pardon for the intrusion

I looked around the living room and saw it was clean and arranged properly. Plenty of books in the bookshelf, though a lot of it is novels about adventures and fictions. And there it is... the bedroom. I opened it. Took a step and looked around and see it was neat too. Though, I found a letter on the desk that says...

Dear, Amy

I believe that you maybe wondering of why I'm in such distant with you lately, it's just that. I can't do this anymore. I love you, I do. Every time I spent time with you, it's truly memorable. When we were alone, I couldn't think of anything else but you. And when we're apart from each other, I can't help but to feel excited to see you again. But, I have to leave you. I concern for your safety and please, don't look for me in the future. Don't blame yourself if you think that you're the reason of this break up. It's me that should be blame for making your heart ache. I can only wish for your success and happiness in the future. I love you.

Yours truly,
(Y/N) (L/N)

Amy: I... I can't believe it

I find myself in disbelief, but I understand of how he really feels. Not even a single tear left my eye, still I only stared at the letter, (Y/N) wrote...

I left the room as I got what I came for. A letter that made my heart ache. Knowing that he won't be back. Forever. He too might've been in such pain whilst writing that letter. If I could just see him, one more time...

*rattle* *rattle* *rattle* 

Amy: 'The... door?'

It continued to rattle more but it sounded as if its someone trying to break in! I quickly move quietly to the kitchen as to arm myself with a knife. For self-defense, of course. Looking at the living room to find any spot that I can hide. Sadly, there was nothing that I could hide.

Amy: 'Shit! Maybe, I can hide somewhere in the bed room'

I rushed, yet moved quietly towards the bedroom. I thought about going under the bed but that might be a bad idea. I took a risk going inside the closet to hide...


Present Time. 3rd POV

(At your House)

???: (Y/N)~ Helloooo~?

She said with a knife on her hands. She searched every room, every corners but cannot she acquire what she needs. She became angry and started to thrash around the house. Amy whimpered and the woman kept questioning where (Y/N) is. Then, the woman came to the bedroom...

???: (Y/N)~... He's not home?

She's right in front of the closet, also in front of the letter. She picked up the letter from the table and began to read it. She sobbed and soon after, she cried. 

???: (Y/N)... *sobs*

???: I can't do this alone *sobs*

Amy: 'What is she saying? (Y/N)... is mine.'

The woman tighten her grip on the knife she's holding. From Amy's perspective, it looks like, she's going to kill him. Amy thought of (Y/N) leaving which left her in pain, but having him dead. She...she can only imagine. The woman turned back, proceeding to the door and going outside of the house. The woman had a worried look on her face, but her back is wide open...

Amy: 'This is my chance!'

Amy struck her with a knife that she got from the kitchen. The woman fell and started to crawl but got stopped when Amy stepped on her. The woman looked behind her to see who it was. 

???: Wh-who are you?

Amy: (Y/N) is mine! You're not gonna kill him!

Amy pulls out the knife from her - she screamed in agony - then she slammed the knife directly through her heart. Blood was on her face, her hands, her clothes and on the walls as well. She killed a threat for their love. Even though, he is going to leave her, but she truly loves him. 

She chuckled. Then giggled. Finally, she laughed maniacally. She rapidly stab her, even if she's dead, she continuously stab her back. After that, she was soaked in blood and again, she laughed...

Looking at her hands she came back to her senses and she looked at the corpse...

Amy: ...

Amy: 'No one's in my way anymore'

Amy: 'I can finally have him!'

She burst out laughing until someone came from the door. She heard it and looked at the direction where the door is. Any further sound was made was only from (Y/N)'s cries...

(Y/N): AMY!!


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