Female Vampire x Male Reader

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(A/N): Well hope you guys enjoy this story. By the way this is not yandere but it kinda looks like one. And I can't even believe! I made a slight lemon *sigh* I feel disgusted. Again enjoy this story readers! :D

3rd POV

(Y/N) was set off hiking in the mountains, alone. The reason why, (Y/N) was hiking is because it was his hobby and he needs time to move on after the most heartbreaking moment. His girlfriend cheated on him.

5 months ago... (Y/N)'s POV

'Today is our 5th year anniversary together, me and Amy, it took me months to save for this moment. I bought an engagement ring for, Amy. Though she seems... kinda bit off. Her hugs aren't even warm anymore, her kisses aren't now more passionate and she pays little attention to me' I felt sad thinking about the last 3 parts. 'Ahh! Stop thinking about this (Y/N)! All that matters is this ring' I shrugged off the feeling and slapped myself. Once I was back at our house I heard... moans? It sounded like Amy's. I went closer where the noise came from and it straight went to our bedroom. I opened the door, slightly enough to make my eyeball not to notice. And I saw the worst kind of fear that happened to me...

Amy: Ahh... Ahh... Oh Yes! Yes!! Yes!!! Do me harder!!!

Jack: Amy, shouldn't we do this? You know (Y/N) wouldn't like this

Amy: What, him? Who cares about him?

I covered my mouth with my two hands. Saying those words from my girlfriend and soon to be my fiancé and to my trustworthy, kind, and honest friend, fucking Amy. No, no that's not it. Jack isn't fucking Amy. Amy is fucking with Jack and Amy fucked me with her lies. I gathered up my courage (and words) to open the door and talk to the both of them. I opened the door while looking a bit down trying not to cry and they both saw me in shocked. They quickly covered their disgusting bodies with the sheet blanket.

(Y/N): A-amy, wh-what's the meaning of this?

Amy: (Y-Y/N)? N-no, it's not what it looks like, I-I can expla-

(Y/N): How long has this been going on?

Amy: W-wha?

(Y/N): I said. How long have you been lying to me?

Jack: (Y/N) please don't be mad when I tell you this, okay?

(Y/N): Just tell me, Jack, don't waste my time anymore when I'm with you

Jack: We- *sigh* we have been doing this for the past 8 months

My heart hurts and it felt like it shattered, hearing those words that I don't want to hear. Filled with lies and beautiful fake memories where me and Amy spent together. I've been a fool this whole time! A goddamn fool. And the best friend I trusted the most, feels like he betrayed me a little.

(Y/N): I hope you have good life with him, Amy. Even though we spent those memories we were together, I had fun with it too. And hey, maybe you get to cheat on Jack too.

I awkwardly smiled at them. I placed the box down at the nearest table because I don't want to get near them, they betrayed me and after all that, I give up.

(Y/N): This was supposed to be yours, Amy, on your finger, showing in front of the people saying "We're engage" but that wouldn't happen now.

Amy saw the box that I place. When I put some distance away from them, she slowly grabbed the box and open it and she placed her both hands on her mouth, she looked really shocked too. I wouldn't be surprise that she's that shocked. After all, she betrayed me.

Amy: Oh god! (Y/N), I'm sorry I didn't know!

(Y/N): Well, what did you think I did for the past months?

Amy: ...

Amy just stood there, outspoken. I looked at them for a short moment then I closed the door softly and I left the house. And after that I drove all the way to my parents house although they were dead but still, I own it.


(A/N): 'How does that even make sense?'


Back to the Present... (Y/N)'s POV

*sigh* 'I walked really far away from my car right now' I thought to myself. I was on a forest in the mountains and that forest is too thick, (like many trees and stuff) enough to get me lost and wander forever.

A little bit of Timeskip. Still your POV

It was nighttime and completely dark. I think I'm in the middle of the forest but who knows, I don't even probably know what part of the forest I am right now. 'So much for hiking' I thought and feeling despair, little by little. I can't build a tent because there might be some animal predators wandering in the woods, and so I kept moving for a little while if I can see a cabin here in the woods and I thought 'If I'm lucky enough, there might be someone who built an abandoned cabin here'. I walked around for, I think 1 hour? And I saw a mansion built here in the forest. 'Who builds a mansion here? They might be crazy!' I entered the mansion but noticed that the furniture is...clean? I stopped and said

(Y/N): H-hello? A-anyone here!?

No one answered. All I heard was my echo. But then a gothic look-a like came out and said.

???: Yes, there is someone here. Though you are breaking and entering at my property

(Y/N): S-sorry. I got lost on the forest and I can't camp outside because some animals might attack me. I'm really sorry

???: I find that reasonable. Here let me prepare tea for the both of us. You can sit down at the living room

(Y/N): O-okay

I walked towards the living room. I noticed the landscapes are all painted like a pro but I didn't see any signature of the painter. 'Hmm, maybe she painted these' I thought to myself since there's a lot of beautiful views here when you're at the top or on the mountains. And I realized that this mansion seems... Quiet. I think there's nobody here in this mansion including me and her, though this place is very deserted. I entered the living room and I saw 3 persons on the huge portrait and above of the fireplace. 'Hmm, there's a man to the right standing. A woman to the right sitting. And a female kid who's sitting at the woman's lap' I examined the portrait by looking at it and it just made sense. It was her family. Though, their getup are kind of look like old but I just shrugged it off and I sat down on the sofa. I checked my watch and it was 11:24 'Hmph, good thing I found this place'. Then she came in with a tray and placed it on the table and she sat at the sofa, in front of me and handed me a tea.

???: Here you go

(Y/N): Thank you. Ah! It's hot!

???: Still not giving it a drink?

(Y/N): Yeah, I kinda not like the tea if it is still hot

???: Okay, then. Oh! I'm afraid I haven't introduce myself. Well then, my name is Evelyn

(Y/N): Nice to meet you, Evelyn. My name is (Y/N)

Evelyn: You seem you're not from around here, are you? Because of that getup

(Y/N): Uhh, yeah. I came here just for hiking

Evelyn: Why?

(Y/N): Well, it's a long story

Evelyn: I'm all ears

3rd POV

(Y/N) and Evelyn talked about what they did in their lives and Evelyn told that she lived alone in the mansion since her parents died years ago. (Y/N) was shocked to hear this since it really was lonely here in this big mansion but (Y/N) was too kind that he volunteered to stay and help her move on and probably get to know her better.


(A/N): Part 2? Maybe, but it'll be short... Sorry. Anyways sorry for lazing off because Christmas is near and my family were planning to go somewhere, soo yeah. Also, I'm not good with words or speech, that's why it's a little bit of confusing

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