grounded for life

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Dear Mom and Dad,

Don't freak out...

I know exactly what you're going to say.

It was rash, it was dumb, I'm an actual idiot.

But I have good instincts (usually), and I know what I'm doing. I have to figure some stuff out, much like the classic millennial, and to do this I need to get away from reality for a little while.

Maybe that isn't something that you guys consider responsible or well planned, but I have been thinking about this for a long time and I believe I have the means necessary in order to do this.

It's not like I expect you, much less anyone to understand, but I would appreciate any kind of support that you are willing to provide me. I know that you're going to jump to the farthest extreme of why I left, but I can tell you that it has nothing to do with how much I love you or how you raised me. All I know is that I'll figure it out, and I'll be okay. You guys don't need to worry about me. I'll let you both know how I'm doing and provide updates for you every step of the way.

I love you guys, don't be mad. I should be back before the school year starts (if not sooner) and hopefully by then I'll have a good idea of what I want to pursue in life.


I set the crumpled letter onto the granite counter top and smooth out the edges. Knowing very well that the minute my mother glanced at the scribbled handwriting and creasing paper she would think it was some kind of ransom note. Little did she know, it was much worse.

I knew that I was screwed. Trust me.

This was nothing short of a dumb, late night decision that ended with an empty bottle of wine latched in my fingers and a ticket confirmation for a nine hour flight to Europe in my email inbox.

Yet, even after the initial 'what the actual fuck did I just do' feeling passed, I continued to be hopeful of what was ahead for me. I needed some kind of a change in my life and this was the only way I could pursue it. I think I'd actually die if I'd have to spend another three months babysitting for the neighbors next door and binge watching the entire Greys Anatomy series for the fifth time.

I'll admit that booking a flight to Italy was a little... presumptuous. However, I had a feeling that something was waiting for me there.

What? I had absolutely no idea.

After giving the note one more nervous look, I grabbed my suitcase and my phone and started the trek outside the door. My phone screen read that my Uber had arrived and was outside my house. I sigh in relief and start to lug my suitcase down the steps while praying that my Uber driver wouldn't turn out to be some kind of creep.

Hey! A girl's gotta worry these days...

Immediately after opening the garage door I am greeted by the simple black Honda pulled into my driveway. I sigh in relief, happy that I wouldn't have to wait any longer to get to the airport, as I was at the risk of my parents arriving home any minute.

I start to drag my suitcase down the concrete driveway and to the car before a man hops out of the car and to my aid.

I guess chivalry wasn't dead...

"Thank you," I say politely, as he grabs my luggage and loads it into the trunk.

"Ah, no problem Miss," he says with a lopsided smile. I detect a hint of a Spanish accent lacing his words, I smile at his friendliness.

Ciao BellaWhere stories live. Discover now