Chapter XVIII: Loved

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“Do you believe in destiny? That even the powers of time can be altered for a single purpose? That the luckiest man who walks on this earth is the one who finds… true love?” -Bram Stoker, Dracula

Chapter XVIII: Loved 


What do I even know of the word? It’s such a small noun, only four little letters and it’s used so often these days it has lost its purity. Love. You could use the word in any context; I love the sunset, I love chocolate or even I love the colour purple.

But true love is different. It is beautiful, colourful and fantastic. It is the type of feeling that exhilarates and thrills. When you’ve found it, your whole world lights up and your life suddenly has purpose. Your heart will never beat normally again because it’s no longer just pumping blood around your own body, but flowing into another, affection and joy connecting you both forever.

When you see that person, your true love, you know that you’re home. Not the type of home with a roof, a front door and some windows, but a real home, one that is full of happiness and trust and possibilities. It is magic.

But like all magic there is a catch. True love, the powerful and all-consuming kind, is rare. So when you find it, you’re supposed to hold onto it, treasure it, and never let it go, because once its gone, its never coming back.

I had to learn that for myself. My true love was as rare as a rose in winter and I let it pass me by. I never realised what I had until it was taken away from me, and now, with my heart weeping blood and my eyes shedding endless tears, I realise that it will never come around for me again. Never.

Because my true love, my Erik, is dead.

+ + +

A memory

“Rose!” ten-year-old Erik shouted, knocking on her front door loudly. His blond hair was dripping wet from the rain and his small body was shivered from the cold breeze. “Come on Rose! Open up!”

They had been outside making snow angels and Rose of course was asking him to dance with her. When it started to rain, they ran for cover. Rose, being the cheeky girl she was, wouldn’t let him inside until he gave in.

She giggled as she peeped through the window at her best friend and poked out her tongue. She loved teasing him. “Not until you promise to dance with me!” she yelled back, her voice full of laughter.

Erik shook his head, his ringlets bouncing around his cute face. “But I don’t want to dance, Rose! Dancing is for girls. Can’t we play Superheroes or Cops and Robbers?” There was a whine in his voice and it made Rose smile mischievously. 

“You can play outside by yourself then,” she said between giggles. “But I’m going to make myself a hot chocolate with some wiped cream and maybe even a marshmallow or two. Have fun in the rain, Erik. Just don’t catch a cold!”

As if on cue, Erik sneezed. “That’s not fair, Rose! Please let me in so I can have some hot chocolate. It’s really cold out here!”

“Well I’m nice and warm,” she said back, grinning madly at the little boy. She was having so much fun. “You can come inside as soon as you let me teach you how to waltz.”

Erik crossed his arms over his chest, stomped his foot and pouted. Somehow, he wasn’t enjoying himself nearly as much as Rose was. “Please let me in?” he pleaded.

Rose just shook her head, before running to the kitchen to make two drinks. When she came back, she sat in front of the window and sipped at the steaming hot chocolate tantalizingly while Erik sulked. She made sure to lick her lips every now and again too.

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