Chapter 3

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Chrom helped the girl up, eyeing the familiar outfit that she was wearing. He seemed curious, at the same time, looking at her with fascination.

Breaking the awkward silence, Chrom spoke up. "What is your name?"

The girl swallowed. "I... Don't remember. I really don't know who I am."

"Amnesia... Just like..." Chrom stopped himself, shaking his head. "Assuming that you don't know your own name, you don't know where you got those clothes?"

The girl shook her head. "Not a clue. I'm going to admit... You found me at my second time of sleeping. The first time... I woke up in the grass, wondering where I was and who I was. Nobody was around, so I tried to find people or at least a village. I got tired and decided to take a nap under this tree."

"It doesn't make sense why you're wearing the same clothing as his late wife." A man with brown hair stated. "I find it rather suspicious more than anything."

Not wanting to reveal that she knew that part, the girl cocked an eyebrow. "His late wife?"

Chrom let out a sigh. "My late wife... Her name is Robin. She wore the exact same thing you're wearing. I find it rather odd on how you got her cloak, but then again... You don't know either."

"One thing's for sure... I don't feel like my name is Robin."

A girl with blonde pigtails chimed in. "But doesn't her face look similar to Robin's? It's been two years since... You know. Maybe this is Robin, but she looks differently."

"That would explain the cloak." Chrom stared the girl directly in the face. "She does have similar features like Robin. But wouldn't she appear as herself?"

The girl just shrugged. "I know this is all complicated, but I don't think I'm Robin. I'm pretty sure I'm someone else. If only I can remember my name..."

"Why don't you come with us?" The blonde girl asked. "Can we, Chrom? We can't just leave her out here when she doesn't have her memories."

Thinking about it, Chrom nodded almost immediately. "Of course." He softly chuckled afterwards. "This feels like deja vu."

"Deja vu?" The girl asked. "You mean to tell me that you found someone passed out on the ground before?"

"I have." Chrom seemed like he was remembering something. "It was Robin. That's when I first met her. Out on an open field like this, her claiming that she has no memories of herself."

The girl let out an aw. "That's a nice way of meeting the love of your life... Sort of. But I'm sure the two of you grew close, and realized you had feelings for each other, right?"

"Right." Chrom nodded. "I miss her even to this day. I always hope that she will return, but I shouldn't get my hopes too high in case..." He paused, assuming that he didn't wish to say the last words to that sentence.

"I understand." The girl said. "I can tell that you really love her. And I know that she really loves you too. I'm sorry about your wife... I know that she's up there smiling down at you."

Chrom smiled. "Thank you for your kind words."

"I don't think we even introduced ourselves yet." The blonde girl cut in. "My name is Lissa. My brother here may say I'm delicate. Which I'm not in the slightest!"

Chrom chuckled. "Even if you have gotten stronger, you're still my delicate little sister in my eyes."

Lissa pouted in response. "I am not delicate!"

The girl giggled at the sight. "You two really are siblings."

"And my name is Frederick." Frederick cut in. "Though it may seem you're no threat, I still have my suspicions and will keep a close eye on you."

"I understand that." The girl responded. "I would be suspicious too if someone was wearing the same clothes as Chrom's late wife. But anyway what are you? A butler?"

"I am a knight that serves the exalt and princess."

"Exalt and princess... Meaning Chrom and Lissa?"


The girl's eyes widen in surprise, even though she already knew that thanks to Robin. "That's crazy! I didn't know I was talking to royalty!"

Chrom let out a laugh. "Though we may hold that title, we're just regular people. I'm also the Captain of the Shepherds."

"Shepherds..? As in... You round up sheep?"

"It's a metaphor to help those who are weaker than us." Frederick explained.

A lightbulb appeared on top of the girl's head. "Oh! So it's like you save ordinary villagers from any kind of danger, and round them up for safety. I think is how to word it..."

Lissa laughed at the girl's statement. "Something like that!" She paused, seeming like she was thinking to herself. "You know... We should have a temporary name for you until you can remember your real name. Is that ok with you?"

Thinking that it wasn't too bad of an idea, the girl nodded. "I was thinking the same thing... Maybe I can call myself..?" The girl was having a bit of trouble trying to think of names.

"Selene?" Lissa suggested.

"That's really pretty, but it made me think of something similar. I was thinking of naming myself Celaena for the time being."

"That's a pretty name! I like it!"

The girl, that now goes by the name Celaena, nodded in agreement. "I think I can get used to this name if I can't remember my real name."

"Celaena it is then." Chrom said proudly. "You can come along with us. We'll help you regain your memories back. Although I can't say how much time it will take, but there's no rush to anything."

Celaena smiled at Chrom. "Thank you so much for this. You all are very kind people for taking in a stranger like me."

"Under one condition." Frederick stepped in. "I will be supervising you until I see that you are of no threat. Meaning... I will be in close proximity at all times."

"That's understandable." Celaena had hoped she would have room and bathroom privacy at least. Being under surveillance 24/7 would not be fun. "By the way... Where are we going?"

"To our hometown." Chrom answered. "To Ylisstol."

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