Chapter 1

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A woman with long white hair was vanishing into thin air, leaving her loved ones behind. Saying goodbye is the hardest thing to do, especially leaving behind someone who loves you so much.

"Robin!" A blue hair man shouted. He was on the verge of tears, witnessing his beloved turning into dust.

Robin gave him a smile. "I love you, Chrom. I always will..."

"Please..! Please don't go..!"

Deep down, Robin didn't want to go. But she made her choice. And it was what she had to do. Closing her eyes, she lifted her hand into the air. "Goodbye. Until we meet again... In a better life." With her last words, Robin completely vanished.

Chrom stared in disbelief, not believing that she was really gone. The only thing she left behind was the ring he proposed to her with.

Walking over to the ring, he slowly picked it up. Chrom stared the ring that was once worn by his wife. A tear rolled down his face, trying to keep it together. "Robin..."

The dark clouds that once covered the sun moved away, having the sun rays hit the ground. Robin's sacrifice managed to save the land, but at a great cost.

Chrom was relieved that the land was saved, but... He wished his wife didn't have to sacrifice herself to do it. He believed somewhere out there... She was still alive. Robin was alive. He wanted to believe that.

Putting the ring in his pocket, Chrom began to walk away towards the group who was waiting for him. They needed their general and exalt. He couldn't afford to grieve over the loss of Robin. Not yet at least.

All Chrom wanted to do was to go to an excluded room and cry. But for now... He had to remain strong. But it was hard when his heart felt weak. Being comforted by Robin would be nice right now, but... He can no longer have that.

Hopefully one day, Robin would return in his arms. That's all he wanted more than anything.


Somewhere in an open field, a young girl slowly opened her eyes. The sun blinded her vision, using her arm as a cover.

The girl had long black hair that was tied into a ponytail with a braid crown. Slowly rising up, the girl looked at her hands. She blinked at the sight, trying to remember what she was doing last.

   She looked at what she was wearing, finding it unusual. "What am I wearing..? Did I go to some kind of costume party?"

   Seeing a river nearby, the girl slowly stood up. Her legs were wobbly as she walked, wondering how long she's been laying down on the grass.

   Peering down the river, the girl saw her reflection in the water. She blinked fast, seeming like she didn't recognize herself. "This is me..?"

   The girl had no clue where to start. She didn't know where to go to find some clues of who she really is. She would most likely be wandering around aimlessly without ever finding some kind of area with people.

   Turning her head, the girl saw a dirt path just only a few yards away. Thinking that was a start, she headed her way towards the path. Stepping foot on the dirt, the girl started her search to self discovery.

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