CCB chapter 4

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Catherine's POV


I stood in the hall for while after that, calming myself down. There was something familiar about Jared, but I have no clue what it is.

I looked up when I heard someone come in. I went back to the waiting room to find my parents, particularly my mom, staring at Jared. She looked away when she noticed me, and hugged me.

"Oh, honey, I'm sorry, it's hard for me, too, you know." She started crying into my shoulder. That's when I really broke down. I had cried about it before, but it was like a wound, it can be somewhat dulled by shock, just enough to make you cry, but when the shock wears off, the pain is almost unbearable.

Jaala's dead. My baby. My pride and joy. My jaala. Dead. The words kept echoing in my brain, going around and around.

By the time we pulled away from each other, my show shirt was soaked and so was my moms.

When we composed ourselves, that police officer motioned for all of us to follow her. My mom, dad, and I followed her into a small room and she shut the door.

"Would you like to press charges? He could be put on a parole for speeding in such a public place, and almost hitting your daughter." She finished, nodding in my direction.

I had an idea. Sure, it was crazy and far-fetched, but it might just work. I looked over at the officer.

"Parole, as in community service?" I asked, wanting clarification.

"Yes, did you have something in mind?" I had a feeling this was going to work.

"What if he worked at our ranch for the entire summer? It could be fairly educational, and there's a guest room he could stay in."

Plus he might learn to feel sorry about Jaala, I added in my head, praying she would say yes.

The officer nodded, deep in thought. "I guess we could work that out. But only if your parents agree, of course." She said, glancing towards my parents.

I silently pleaded with my mom and dad to say yes. It was the only way he would feel sorry. I hated it when people say sorry and get off the hook without even caring about what they did.

My dad spoke first. "I guess that's okay, I mean, he has to learn something from all of this." The officer nodded, then turned her head to my mom.

Please say yes.

"Fine." She finally spat. "But I will not be acting as a babysitter, that's your job, okay, Catherine?"

I nodded eagerly. Even if he doesn't end up feeling sorry for jaala, he'll have to put off any plans he might have had to work all summer.

"I'll have to call Jared's father to ask his permission first, of course." She said, looking at us.

"Of course." I answered, pretending to be the perfect little daughter, like I have been since 6th grade.

She quickly made the call, nodded at us, and left the room, I'm guessing to tell Jared.

He will pay, that I am sure of.


Hey! I hope you guys are enjoying this so far. I know I'm not the best author, obviously, but I have had this idea in my head for months now and it feels like I need to write it down! I'm pretty sure that's all, ILY, and be sure to VOTE, COMMENT, and FOLLOW

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!! What did y'all get for Christmas? I got a genesis bow, a picture is on the side!


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2014 ⏰

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