CCB- Chapter 2

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Pic of Jaala on the side:)

Chapter 2- police station

Catherine's (the girl) POV


Why? The question rang over and over in my head. It had started out as a great day, going to the Abilene fair to show jaala's kid. Her doeling, Jane, had done surprisingly well, taking fourth place in the class of 14 doe Kid's age 0-3 months.

Then that idiot came and wrecked everything. I had had jaala for seven years! She was my first goat, and I loved her.

I had been showing goats ever since I was 10. I fell in love with them after going to a fair in California, so when we got back home we bought two boer goats for me to show at the stock show.

I practiced with jaala every day for the next year to get ready for the stock show.

Some people make fun of me for it and some people just don't understand. How could you love a goat? They ask. It's just like asking someone how they could ever love a dog or a cat, for crying out loud!

Losing her, like was just so sudden. I held back a sob when the officer started talking.

"Would you two like to talk?"

"No." He answered flatly. That infuriated me. He's such a snob! He doesn't even care that he killed jaala!

Anger bubbled up in me when I spat out the next words.

"Why? Too stuck-up to talk to me? Huh?!" He looked shocked. Most people did look shocked when I go off on them. I don't talk back to people a lot.

I can't wait for my mom and dad to get here. I was going to try my best to make him feel sorry for what he did.

"Shoot!" I jumped up and looked at the officer.

"Can I make a call please? It'll only take a minute, I promise!" I pleaded.

She thought about it for a minute, before nodding.

"Okay. But if it takes any longer than five minutes I'm going to go out there."

"Thank you." I said dialing my FFA teacher.

I sighed with relief when she picked up.

"Hey, Katy are you still at the barn?" I waited patiently for her answer.

"Yes. Why?" She was clearly curious.

"I kind of ran into some trouble when I was leaving and Jane's still over there. Do you mind looking after her for a while until I get back?"

"Sure, no problem, that's what I'm here for, after all." I was relieved she didn't ask anymore questions. That would bring up certain emotions that I didn't want to let that kid, Jared, or whatever, see.

"Thanks Katy. You're the best!" I hung up and looked to see Jared staring at me.

"What?" I asked, waiting for his answer.

"Who's Jane?" That caught me off guard. Why would he care?

I turned on my phone. Jane was on my lock screen. It was the picture from today, showing me squatting down hugging Jane, smiling and proudly showing her fourth place ribbon. I wish I could be that happy right now.

I turned my phone around and showed him. I started to turn and walk away, but I stopped.

"That's Jane. And you want to know something? She won't ever understand why her momma will never come back to her, she won't understand why she's going back home without her, why she's going to be on her own from now on." By now tears were streaming down my face and were showing no sign of stopping.

He still looked confused.

"She doesn't have a mother anymore because you killed her. I don't have jaala because you killed her." I licked my lips and walked away.

What will I do without you, JJ?


Hey, everyone! I hope you're liking this book so far. I based Catherine on myself, because I raise boer goats , and I have a goat named jaala. This book is just my very active imagination in writing.

This book means a lot to me, so please



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~Lily C. Smola

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