ch one || LA

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your pov

Today is the day. Today is the day I finally get away from it all. I'm sitting at the airport ready to make one of the biggest life changes I've made thus far.

Don't get me wrong I love my family I do but I swear on everything that I love, home is a warzone. Someone is always arguing with someone else and it drives my anxiety through the roof, it's a literal hell hole. I just need to get away until it passes. 

I'm just tired of hearing the arguing and being criticized. And I'm tired of my crazy ass exboyfriend living so close to me, showing up whenever he's drunk or high. If a restraining order won't keep him away from me, maybe moving to LA with my best friend Nick will. He was always scared of Nick when he came to town.

I finally convinced my parents to let me live with him, and they agreed. It'll be a healthier environment, and they trusted Nick to keep me safe.

Nick is my best friend in this whole world. We practically grew up as siblings. I was the one who encouraged him to follow his dreams and join the Iconic Boyz and I was there when he auditioned for prettymuch and I couldn't be more proud of him.

I never really met any of the boys because they're always busy and I was too with school and my dancing. I never really wanted to dance professionally, it was always just a hobby for me. That's how Nick and I really bonded.

But even though I've never met the other prettymuch boys, I obviously have seen them all during their performances, and they're all gorgeous. Especially the Dominican one... what's his name? Brandon? Austin? E... Eddy? I don't remember. I guess I should probably really learn who's who. 

While waiting for my flight to board I looked up all of their Instagrams and followed them all. Instantly Edwin... I guess that's his name, followed me back. I smiled at the notification. One after another they followed me and I got more and more excited.

When I finally boarded I called Nick, he quickly answered



Y/nnnnnn, are you on the plane yet?


Hey Nicky Nick, yeah I just boarded the plane. we're gonna take off soon, just wanted to keep you updated.


Sick. I have your room ready for you, I should be there to pick you up with Brandon when you land.


Sounds good, love you!


love you too, i'll see you on the other side.


I hung up and giggled to myself at how dramatic Nick could be sometimes. I kinda wish Edwin was coming to pick me up with Nick, I hear a lot about him and he seems really funny. Let me stop. We all know Nick would neeeever let me date any of his bandmates. He's way too protective. It's kind of annoying sometimes, but to be fair it's always been for the best. 

I sent a quick text to my family group chat letting them know I was taking off, I put my phone on airplane mode and started playing my downloaded playlists.

I'm so ready for LA.

Blind || Edwin Honoret x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now