The Final 1500 Words

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1-. Shovel the difficulties more thickly upon the hero.

2. Get the hero almost buried in his troubles. (Figuratively, the villain has him prisoner and has him framed for a murder rap; the girl is presumably dead, everything is lost, and the DIFFERENT murder method is about to dispose of the suffering protagonist.)

3. The hero extricates himself using HIS OWN SKILL, training, or brawn.

4. The mysteries remaining--one big one held over to this point will help grip interest--are cleared up in course of the final conflict as the hero takes the situation in hand.

5. Final twist, a big surprise, (This can be the villain turning out to be the unexpected person, having the "Treasure" be a dud, etc.)

6--The snapper, the punch line to end it.

Has the SUSPENSE held out to the last line?

Has the MENACE held out to the last?

Has everything been explained?

Did it all happen logically?

Is the Punch Line enough to leave the reader with that WARM FEELING?

Did God kill the villain? Or the hero?

How To Write A Short Story by Lester DentTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang