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In Bed With Emma

My eyes slowly blinked open as I felt myself waking up & my eyebrows furrowed slightly, still tired as I kept my eyes shut.

It's not like I had to wake up. We left at six in the morning yesterday & it's a twenty one hour long trip there, so we would arrive at around three in the afternoon.

I inhaled suddenly, feeling like I fell asleep again for a few minutes. I slowly exhaled the sharper inhale & opened my eyes, feeling a warm body wrapped in my arms.

I looked down at myself, the dim light of the lamp that was left on behind me making me able to see Emma nestled tightly against me, her forehead resting against my shoulder. My eyes softened at the sight.

My thumb rubbed against the slight dip in her smooth back & a soft smile spread across my lips, remembering last night's events.

It was odd though. As much as I'd like to deny it, I've slept with a good amount of girls & thought nothing of it. But last night, with Emma, made my hands shake & sweat with nerves. The thought of hurting her or taking things too fast scared the shit out of me.

Everything about last night felt ethereal, unlike any other time I've fucked around. This was out of pure love.

But as I fell asleep last night to her soft fingers playing with my hair, a thought crossed my mind before I was succumbed to sleep. How was Emma feeling in that moment?

She had been raped, hurt in many different ways & forced to abort her own baby. Our baby. It made a cloud of guilt form over me, wondering if I had taken things too fast even though she started it. But maybe I shouldn't have led it on. What if I scarred her even more than she already was?

A soft sigh left her nose, fanning against my collarbone softly as she shifted in her sleep, moving impossibly closer.

"I can practically hear you over thinking something." She mumbled with her eyes closed.

"Stop it." She added, weakly hitting my left pec to strengthen her demand. I chuckled softly, bringing my hand up to tuck a piece of hair behind her ear.

"Anything for you." I whispered, only slightly sarcastically.

"You know," I started quietly, "you're the only girl I've ever spent the whole night with. This makes me sound like an asshole, but I would always just leave right after anything happened. I've never slept through a whole night with any girl. Except for you."

I didn't receive a response at first, but then there was a small groan of confusion leaving her lips.

"Meredith?" She questioned sleepily & the corner of my lip curved down in disgust.

"Fuck no." I protested quietly & a soft chuckle erupted into the silence, coming from her tired body.

"Really? You seemed to love her a lot." She responded sarcastically, her words slurring with sleep.

"Go back to sleep, asshole." I stated in fake offense & she laughed lightly, snuggling closer into my chest, our bare bodies pressed together under the sheets. It was pure euphoria feeling her warm skin against my own, the feeling kept me in a state of bliss.

I heard Emma's breathing slow down & her shoulder shifted slightly down as she relaxed back into sleep.

My eyelashes fluttered shut as well, the silence of the room making a wave of tiredness wash over me as I was left alone with my thoughts.


A Little While Later

I inhaled sharply at the sound of a small cry & blinked my eyes open slowly, feeling how puffy with sleep they were.

Emma's now cold body shifted against mine, moving in her sleep. I thought nothing of it, a soft exhale leaving my nose as my eyelashes fluttered shut again.

"No, stop." My eyebrows furrowed at the mumbled sentence that left Emma's mouth.

She must've been dreaming about something.

"Stop, no, you can't. Stop touching me, please!" She cried out then & my breath hitched, immediately knowing she was dreaming about Cameron.

That was odd. All the times I had slept near her before, she had never dreamed about him.

A whimper escaped her in her sleep & a cloud of realization fell over me.

Was she dreaming about Cameron & what happened to her because of what we did last night?

"Ethan, stop!" Her pained voice cried & my eyes snapped open almost immediately, my heart falling through the mattress & hitting the ground.

I placed my hand on her bare shoulder, seeing her face scrunched up as unconscious tears rolled down her flushed cheeks.

"Emma, hey, Emma wake up. It's just a dream baby—" Before I could even finish my sentence, her eyes flew open & she flinched away from me, my hand falling onto the mattress.

Her eyes were bloodshot red & she looked like she had just seen a ghost as she stared at me with a wide gaze.

"Emma?" I asked & got no response as she fled out of bed & into the bathroom, the lock being clicked on the door echoing throughout the room.



Author's Note: sorry this is so short! i ran out of time with all my exams & studying! also I'm trying to figure shit out with this book so stay with me while i try my best! bye, ily!! :( <3

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