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Emma Pov.

Just as we were about to reach the exit of the fairgrounds, Ethan froze next to me. "E, Can you walk any slower?" I asked, sarcasm dripping from my voice. He didn't laugh, didn't move a muscle. Suddenly his hands clenched into fists at his sides & his neck was starting to turn an angry red as a few prominent veins came to the surface of his hot skin. "Ethan..." I trailed off quizzically, looking at his glazed over dark eyes that were gazing intently at something. I turned my head in the direction of where he was staring & my blood ran cold when what he was looking at caught my eye. My breath hitched & I stumbled back a few steps, my back hitting Grayson's broad chest. "Well hello to you too?" Grayson said unsurely & I shook my head, tears forming in my eyes as I stared across the fair at my rapist. Cameron was at the carnival.

"G-Grayson, G-Gray." I stuttered, wrapping my arms around his muscular arm. I started to shake & I buried my face into his shoulder. "Emma, wha-Ethan stop!" Grayson suddenly exclaimed & my head shot up at Ethan's name, my eyes snapping over to see Ethan running angrily at a now glaring Cameron. "No!" I heard James yell as well in a high-pitched voice & I was suddenly being shoved off of Grayson & my ass hit the damp grass as the couple ran towards Ethan who had just reached Cameron. "You fucker!" Ethan yelled. I watched, stunned, as Ethan's fist collided with the side of Cameron's face & Cameron grabbed Ethan's wrist to twist it around. Ethan flipped around, yanking his arm away & tackled Cameron into the dirt before throwing more blows at his face. Cameron raised his leg up, blood dripping out of his nose as he kicked Ethan in the back of the head. Ethan was stunned momentarily & Cameron shoved him off of himself, making Ethan's head collide with the metal base of one of the fair rides. Cameron scrambled to his feet as blood trickled out of his mouth & fell onto the grass, few red drops staining the green blades. "She was a good fuck, Dolan." Cameron said maniacally, grinning with blood wet lips as he looked up through his eyelashes at me. Tears formed in my eyes & I felt sick.

Ethan practically growled on the ground & Cameron started to kick him in the stomach, making Ethan curl in on himself in pain before suddenly grabbing Cameron's ankle & yanking him down to the ground. Ethan climbed onto Cameron before he could do anything & wrapped his hand around Cameron's throat. "Why do you even care about her? All you do is fuck girls and leave them." Cameron said raspily while his hand fell on top of Ethan's that was restricting his air, causing Ethan to grip his windpipe tighter. "She was fucking pregnant you bastard! You killed my baby." Ethan yelled in Cameron's face & Cameron's jaw dropped open as my world stopped. A small half-circle of people had formed around the two fighting guys, James & Grayson nowhere to be seen as I panicked on the ground. My heart was beating loudly in my chest & I felt like I couldn't breathe as I watched Ethan stare down at Cameron with more hate in his eyes than I have ever seen. Cameron suddenly sent a hard blow to the pane of Ethan's stomach & Ethan inhaled sharply, involuntarily loosening his grip around Cameron's throat. Cameron roughly grabbed Ethan by his hair & pulled his head up, punching him square in the nose. "I didn't know she was pregnant asshole," Cameron growled out, standing up & kneeing Ethan in the chest, causing him to groan out in pain before Cameron leaned down close to his ear, "and it was worth it anyways." My lungs felt like they had been crushed & hot tears ran down my flushed, cold cheeks. "That'll be the last fucking thing that ever comes out of your mouth!" Ethan shouted loudly, his voice cracking with anger as he scrambled to his feet & grabbed Cameron's head, bringing it down roughly onto his knee. Cameron growled in pain & shoved Ethan against the wooden fence that outlined the fairgrounds, grabbing his shoulders & slamming his back into the wooden structure over & over again. Ethan groaned out in pain & my heart clenched as he flipped Cameron & him around, ignoring the pain. Ethan pinned Cameron's legs down with his knee & grabbed his wrists with both of his larger hands, leaning in close to Cameron. "You should have never and I mean never, fucking came near Emma." Ethan growled out & was about to punch Cameron again but was suddenly grabbed as his face was slammed down onto the hood of a police car, handcuffs being latched onto his wrists. I couldn't move, frozen in fear as everything moved in slow motion. Red & blue lights flashed everywhere near the entrance of the fair as two other cops ran towards Cameron, tackling him to the ground & shoving his bloody face into the dirt as they handcuffed him as well.

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