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Ethan Pov.

After stopping at 'Rite Aid' for random medical supplies that I might need on the way to the hospital & trying my best to deal with the hysterical-crying aftermath of 'leaving me to die alone in the car' as Emma put it, we were finally at the hospital. I was gonna take her to the emergency room. Emma's nose wouldn't stop bleeding which made me worry & she had no clue where she was or what she was doing. She only knew that I was with her. The concussion she received had clearly taken an affect on her.

I sighed, turning the key in the ignition all the way until the car stopped rumbling & looked over at Emma who sat silently crying in the passenger's seat while holding her nose shakily. She barely even knew what was happening. Fucking Meredith. If it weren't for Emma saying my name like that then....I don't even know if Meredith would be alive. And I don't know why I feel that way either.

"It's okay, come on let's get you inside." I said softly as possible to Emma as I got out of the car & walked over to her side. I didn't know what the fuck I was doing. I don't know how to comfort somebody. Sure, Emma taught me that hugging helps but that's about fucking all.

I opened Emma's car door to reveal her crying self. You could barely even see the bottom of her nose with all the blood pooling there, dripping onto her shaking hand as well. "E." She cried out, holding out her arms. She also looked like she had no idea what she was doing. I hesitated before leaning down so I wouldn't hit my head on the top of the car & wrapped my arms around her, picking her up into my embrace. I held her up against me by keeping my hands on her lower-back, not wanting to grab her ass because that's just wrong. Speaking of which, I just now realized that I surprisingly haven't hooked up with anyone for the past few weeks. I kicked the car door shut & began walking quickly towards the emergency room drop-off entrance.

Emma buried her tear-stained face carefully into my already stained hoodie & winced when her nose touched the fabric, a little more blood soaking into the cloth. "It hurts." I heard her mumble brokenly against my chest & I picked up my pace. "I know, you're gonna be okay I promise." I stated, holding her closer. In all the times of when I used to...hurt..her, I had never done this much damage. I wanted to strangle Meredith, again, not knowing why.

I rushed through the emergency room doors & yelled for assistance, catching a few nurses attention as they ran over to us. "What happened?" A nurse with straight blonde hair asked as I sat Emma down on the metal bed, causing Emma to make a small noise of resistance & keep her arms tightly around my neck.

"She uh-fell down the stairs and I think she might've broken her nose and gotten a concussion." I lied, knowing that if I told the truth then the police would possibly get involved & it would just be a huge mess. "Okay," The nurse said while bending down next to Emma, "hey sweetie." The nurse cooed & as I tried to pull away & give her space, but Emma shook her head & kept her grip on me. "No, don't leave me please!" She cried out with her eyes shut & I looked at the nurse for support who was already taking out a flashlight, not paying attention. I sighed, accepting defeat & sat down next to Emma on the hard table.

I kept my hands in my lap & Emma removed her tightening arms from around neck, putting one hand in her lap & one gripping my covered arm fearfully as the nurse told her to follow the flashlight's light with her eyes. I watched as Emma's dazed & tear-drawn blue eyes lazily followed the trail that the flashlight made & the nurse nodded to herself, clicking the flashlight off & writing something down on her clipboard.

"She definitely has a concussion and since it seems to be affecting her actions a lot, it would be best if we just put her to sleep until she wakes up naturally. Then while she's asleep, we'll fix up her nose which appears to be possibly broken. Just to make sure she doesn't move around too much & mess up her nose even more." The nurse explained, looking me dead in the eyes as I nodded. I heard Emma's breath hitch though & she gripped my arm extremely tightly as I looked over at her. "I don't wanna go to sleep, what if I never wake up?" She questioned, her voice cracking as she slurred her voice & more tears rolling down her blood-stained face. "Hey, you'll be alright. You're only gonna sleep for a little bit." I promised, trying my best to comfort her. "You promise you'll be there when I wake up?" She asked, sounding small. Salty tears ran down onto her nose, stinging against the open wound. "I promise, Em." I stated, looking into her watery eyes. She nodded sadly, seeming slightly unsure.

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