The past

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Ring~ ring~ ring~ click

"Hello?" Came the voice from the other side of the phone.

"Hi Mrs. Cartwrite... It's Trinity" Trinity said in a small voice.

"Oh Trinity! Hi honey! It's been so long since you've come over! We miss you! Do you want me to go get Sarah?" Mrs. Cartwrite rambled out.

"N-no ma'am. Uh I actually needed to ask you and your husband a really huge favor..."

"Oh? What is it sweetie? You know we'd do anything for you. Well anything legal that is." The woman said chuckling softly.

"Y-yeah of course it's legal..." She said a small smile finding it's way on to her face as well.

"Well what is it hun?"

"Well um I kinda need a place to stay for a few weeks until my friend finishes moving down here..." She let out with a sigh.

"What? Of course! May I ask as to why you won't be staying with the Dotsons?" Mrs. Cartwrite asked curiously.

"Long story short they're kicking me out..." She said sadly.

"What? Why on Earth would they do that?! What could have happened that was so bad that they would think it's okay to abandon such a sweet child?!" The woman asked clearly surprised.

"Um I'll explain it when I get there" realising what she had said Trinity added "if I can stay that is..."

"Are you doing drugs?"

"What? no! Of course not!" She said hastily taken aback by the womans sudden question.

"Then I see no reason why you shouldnt be able to live with us. Especially if it's only a week or two like you were saying." Mrs. Cartwrite said sweetly.

"Thank you so much Mrs. C!" Trinity exclaimed happily.

"I'll be over with the truck in thirty minutes or so so that we can start bringing your stuff over okay?" Mrs. C added before calling out for her husband and explaining what was going on.

"Okay" Trinity said rushing around her room putting things I boxes she had found in the garage.

They were a little bit crappy since they were supposed to go out to the trash on Monday but that just meant she wouldn't have to pay the Dotsons back for them. That had already charged her $5 just to use the tape witch was totally ridiculous but if they were gonna charge her that much she planned on using the whole roll.

Thirty minutes later on the dot the Cartwrites's arrived with the truck. Running down to open the door before Mrs. Dotson could Trinity greeted the Cartwrites's and went back up to her room to grab some boxes ignoring the questions being thrown her way by the Dotsons about why the Cartwrites's where in their house unannounced.

Within an hour all of Trinitys things where in the bed of the Cartwrites's truck and on their way to her new temporary home. It reminded Trinity of when she was in foster care and being tossed from home to home until the Dotsons had taken her in. They had been so nice to her back then. That was until Mr. Dotson decided he didn't like how quiet Trinity was nor did he like the fact that she didn't behave 100% of the time. Who woulda thought a child who went through so much wouldn't be a perfect child? But Trinity did nothing about it and told no one seeing as she found it to be normal behavior for people to beat her.

Flashback to before the Dotsons

Trinity sat on her bed reading a book not looking up even when six shadows looked over her.

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