Tape Six

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"Let's just save the soccer team's third and last tape for a little while, I don't think I can bare talking about them more right now. That's why this tape is dedicated to Stan Smith. Some of you may not exactly now who Stan is. That's because he was kind of new when this whole thing happened. That meant I also thought he would be somewhat harmless, but boy was I wrong on that one."

I do know Stan. I've just recently build up a friendship with him. He's one of the people I talk most with at the moment. Oh no.

"One day you came up to me Stan, and of course I expected you to be mean against me just like basically everyone else was, but you weren't. You said hi, introduced yourself and actually seemed interested in what I had to say about myself. We talked for quite a long time before you asked if we could hang out after school. I was very skeptic about it, because even though you had only been nice to me so far, people can have secret motives. But I agreed, giving you the benefit of the doubt.

So after school we went to your house. Your parents weren't home so we sat down in the living room. We talked, watched a movie and I really, for the first time in what seemed like forever, had a good time."

Is it jealousy I'm feeling right now? Because Louis made a friend? Oh well.

"Then, out of the blue, you turned off the TV, turned to me and looked me straight in the eye before you said - and I quote again - "Louis, I'm gay too."

As you can probably all tell, I was very, very, very surprised. I sat there blankly looking at him for what seemed like an eternity before he suddenly leaned in and kissed me. I couldn't think of anything other than to kiss him back."

Okay, now it's definitely jealousy. He knew I liked Louis, and he never once told me he liked him too, or even that he was gay for that matter.

"Don't get me wrong, I still had my eye on someone else, and I hadn't thought of him that way. But he liked me. He was the only person - well except from Harry - that had not been mean to me after hearing that story Taylor had come up with. He actually seemed genuinely interested in me. Or that's what I thought at least."

I don't know if I should be happy that he said he still had his eye on someone else or not. That means he wasn't interested in Stand, but that he was in someone else and there was quite the chance it wasn't me. Not that it matters. He is dead after all.

"We kept hanging out the next couple weeks, Stan and I. I was having a great time. He didn't seem to mind being seen with me at school, and we were together after school most weekdays. I wouldn't say I was falling for him, but I was definitely becoming dependent on his presence.

Then one day he texted me a picture of a dick, saying it was his own - I later found out it wasn't. I had never experienced anything like that before so I was lost on what to do. He then texted that I should send one back. So, as oblivious and stupid as I was, I did. The next day though, the whole school had seen that picture. It was like when an exboyfriend of a girl exposes her nudes to all his friends. I felt completely and utterly embarrassed.

Stan walked up to me in the middle of the day - the whole soccer team behind him - telling me that it all was a prank and that he would never want to be friends with a guy like me. Turns out it was just an idea one of the guys on the soccer team had come up with to see if Stand had the guts for it, and that the dick pic he sent was just one he found on the internet.

So there I was left back. Yet another person having hurt me. A picture of me penis having been exposed to my whole school, and the only person I felt I could trust at that point having just pretended the whole time. Stan wasn't gay and he never actually wanted to befriend me. Great. So, Stan, thank you for giving me hope that I could actually be happy with someone, but fuck you for playing with me and my feelings like I was a toy. I hope you know how messed up it is to do something like that to another person, and I hope you have to pay the consequences."

Oh wow. I would never have expected that from Stan. How didn't I know of this, he's practically my best friend. Wait, why is he my friend? Oh God, is he trying to pull the same move on me? I have a feeling our friendship won't last much longer.

I immediately pick my phone up, dialing Stan's number before pressing the call button. He picks up after a couple of seconds with a simple, "Hi, Harry."

"How could you do that to him." I instantly ask incredulously. I know he knows what I'm talking about.

"I'm guessing you are talking about the 'pretending to be into Louis Tomlinson then showing the whole school a picture of his dick' thing?" He answers, and I clearly hear the guilt in his tone.

"You're a pig." My voice is filled with disgust towards the guy.

"I know. Believe me, I feel so bad."

"That doesn't mean shit now. Why are you friends with me if you did that to him because he was gay? Were you planning on doing the same to me as you did to him?"

It goes silent on the other side of the call. I let out a breathy, hurtful chuckle. "I knew it. Don't ever talk to me again, jerk."

Without another word I hang up the phone throwing it to the floor before pulling out tape six and replace it with the next in the line. Here we go.

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