Chapter Nine: Appointments Are Necessary, Pt 2

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She waited five hours. Five hours, seething quietly the whole while. Though in that time she finally found a use for the storybook Mary had given her, at least. It kept her from planning a thousand ways of killing the dark-eyed secretary, who still sat not far away, ignoring her as if she did not exist.

Finally, she heard movement coming down the stairs, so she sat up straight and put her book away. She watched as two men came down the stairs with purpose to their steps. One was broad, with a chiseled jaw and a mature, hardened face, and the other was an extremely tall elf.

Katerin was quite tall by anyone's standards, but she was sure she would look dainty, standing next to this man. His sword alone was almost as long as she was. He had supple, dark green hair flowing down his back, pulled into a braid almost as thick as her arm. He moved like a cat stalking its prey, and he shadowed the other man, eyes watching as if he saw every detail. Those eyes fell on Katerin for a moment, and she nodded to him, fighting an urge to keep her eyes downcast, and she wondered if anyone felt at ease under that calculating stare.

The first man strode easily toward the door, shaking his head dismissively at the elf as he walked out, his footsteps thudding on the tiles. The elf stopped in mid-step and leaned against the wall, his expression a perfect mask showing no hint of being bothered by the dismissal.

Katerin stood, stretched her sore, cramped muscles and approached the desk. "Might I speak with him, now?" she asked as politely as she could, holding back her anger at the infuriating wait. It was a tiny, simple mining town, after all. This man could not be nearly as important as he wanted to seem.

"No," the gnome said, "Appointments are necessary."

She gaped, glaring at the small figure, "But you told me—"

"I told you nothing, except to come back later and make an appointment." He sniffed. "It's far too late for visitors. He'll be wanting his dinner."

She bit her tongue and her fists clenched in her cloak. "How long ago exactly was it too late for visitors?"

There was a quiet chuckle from the tall figure at the door.

The gnome looked up at her and smiled a sarcastic, taunting smile. "From about the time you walked in."

She took a deep breath. "I've been waiting for hours."

"Would you like to make an appointment?" the gnome asked, all business.

"Vorn... just let her see him." The elf spoke in a bored tone as he stepped away from the wall. His voice was deep, predatory, and he sounded as if he was accustomed to people listening to him.

Vorn glared at him.

The elf sneered and leaned forward, looking down with his eyebrows raised.

Something flashed in Vorn's eyes, but then he relaxed his posture, like a bird ruffling its feathers then tucking them away. "Fine!" Vorn spit the word, and waved his hand, as if shooing them both out of existence.

"It's this way," he said, turning to Katerin and jerking his chin up the stairway.

She had to hurry to keep up with his long strides as he ascended the steps. "Thanks," she said, when they had reached the landing.

"Don't thank me yet." He gave her a wry expression.

He turned and led her down a richly decorated hall. Tapestries hung from the walls, and elegantly colored rugs decorated the polished wooden floors. All in dark colors, shades of red and brown and black. He led her to an office door and held a hand up, without even looking at her. He knocked once and entered, closing the door behind him before she could even peek inside.

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