Chapter 2

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2 years earlier..

Her hacking cough filled my ears making me wince. I ran to mum trying to soothe her. blood leaked out of her mouth onto the tissue she was using.

"You'll be fine" I had whispered into her ear. I knew she was dying though. Her skin was a pale dirty looking colour, her bones were popping out and she was coughing up blood. her coughing got worse and all of a sudden it stopped.

"Mum your coughing stopped" I had been so happy until I realised she had stopped breathing.

"Dad!" I had screamed down the hallway. He raced into the room scooping mum into his arms and put her into the car.

"Go to your friends I'll come get you later," fear clenched my heart as I had run down to Sarah's. Yes Sarah and I used to best friends until mum died and my dad got drunk and beat up her father. Dad hadn't always been an alcoholic. He only started after mum died and he lost his job. anyway I ran to her front door and pounded it. Tears streamed down my face as Sarah took me into her room.

"What's the matter?" she asked worriedly.

"My mum" I sobbed unable to say anymore. She knew instantly what I was talking about. For weeks mum had some sort of virus that kept greeting worse. For hours I sat in her room crying until there was a knock on the front door. It was dad. I opened the door and dad had tears running down his face.

"She's dead" he cried. I said thanks to Sarah and dad took me home. That night I sat in dads arms as he told me stories of how he met mum. After that our lives were completely different. Dad lost his job and begun drinking. He got so bad and one night Sarah's dad came round to check on us and my dad got mad cause he thought he was interfering so my dad started to beat him up. I cowered down on the floor until he left. My dad had started to shout at me saying it was my fault mum was dead then for the first time ever he hit me. the next day I went to school and Sarah had told everyone about what my dad did to her dad. from then on everyone hated me.

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