It Takes Two...

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It really seems to be that when I am somewhere other than home I receive inspiration. And its a bonus if it is some weird hour of the night. Sorry for the long wait (not that anyone is waiting on bated breath for an update) but i still feel guilty for letting this sit as long as I did.



Liam couldn’t remember four weeks that had ever seemed to go by so fast and yet drag by so painfully as these past four weeks had.

He had gotten a notification from the T.V. station that “due to two very conflicting schedules” he wouldn’t be able to meet his partner under normal circumstances, and instead he would be meeting her during one of the many interviews he would be doing with the boys before the show started recording.

So here he was sitting with the boys on another talk show’s couch answering questions about each other, the tour they had recently finished, the usual. After a particularly funny story told by Harry and Louis, the interviewer segued rather smoothly into a new topic; she addressed the camera and the audience at the same time while saying,

“Now as many of you may or may not know, One Direction’s own Liam Payne-” she gestured to me and I gave a wave to the camera,

“-will soon be one of the celebrities featured on the dance show ‘It Takes Two’.” This earned applause from the audience and some smirky smiles from the boys as I nodded, trying to look as enthusiastic as possible. As the applause died down, the interviewer continued saying to us this time,

“Now it is my understanding that you don’t know who your partner is yet,” she looked at me briefly while I nodded along.

“-but we’ve got her here and would love to bring her out… after this commercial break.” There were a few groans amidst the general laughter of the audience. The interviewer chuckled along with the boys and I before she continued,

“So stay tuned for the big surprise, and then we will wrap up our interview with One Direction.” That was the cue for us to smile at the camera as the audience applauded.

As some of the make-up crew was touching up the interviewer, we all stood up the stretch before we had to sit down for the last segment of the show. Niall with a candy bar in hand was heading towards a small girl with a One Direction shirt on who was sitting in the front row of the audience with what looked to be her mother. She couldn’t have been more than seven and the look on her face as he got closer was just priceless. He saw that Zayn was making casual conversation with one of the make-up artists. Harry meanwhile was laughing as he peered over the back of the couch at who knows what Louis was doing.

Liam walked up and peered over the couch himself to see what was happening. If he had to guess, it looked like Louis had been attempting to perform a somersault in the very tight space behind the sofa. Harry was laughing because Louis had caught his shoulder between the wall and the corner of the couch. As Louis was stuck with his butt in the air and his head tucked into his chest, he was now wiggling much like a flipped beetle trying to free himself from his predicament. He caught sight of Liam and smiled a little sheepishly,

“Heeey Liam. What’s up?” Harry just chuckled and responded with,

“Your butt Lou, told you, you wouldn’t fit.” It was then that the cameraman announced a minute until rolling. They scurried to wedge Louis out between the couch and they only managed to all get seated right as they counted down from five.

“Welcome back! We’re still here with One Direction, and I am sure that they are just as eager as we are to hear who Liam’s partner is.” The audience gave a loud cheer as the interviewer just smiled. When the applause finally died down she said,

“Well I won’t make you wait any longer, Liam. Say hello to an old friend of yours,” the interviewer shifted in her seat and gestured to the door leading to a separate part of backstage. The door opened, and Liam couldn’t help but be a little surprised.

“Danielle Peazer!” She came out of the door with a huge smile and all that curly hair. Liam stood up with a smile and gave her a hug, and they exchanged muted hellos over the noise of the audience. The boys all got up and hugged Danielle as well, and they scooted over so that she could sit on the couch with them.

The audience finally died down enough for the interviewer to pose a question,

“So Liam, how do you feel about having Danielle as your partner?” Liam smiled and said,

“Well, now I know that if I am going to be making a fool out of myself on national television, I know I’ll be making a fool out of myself with someone I know.” The boys couldn’t help but laugh.

"And you don't think your mututal split a year and a half ago will cause any tension between you two?" Danielle looked at Liam before responding,

"I don't think our previous relationship will cause any problems. Dancing is just dancing. If anything, I think we may have a bit of an advantage; I already know the two left feet I'm working with."

"Hey!" Danielle nudged his shoulder with a smile, as he pretended to be wounded. Liam responded with,

"No, I agree with Danielle; I have always considered her a good friend of mine, and seeing as she already knows what a sad dancer I am, she has her work cut out for her."

It has taken me a good three days to just buckle down and write those last few paragraphs. I knew what i wanted to happen, it just wasn't writing itself. Oh well. Hope it didn't suck, yay for no proof reading!


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