38. End of the Journey

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"I will miss you so freaking much." Aurora can't let go of Valkyrie, remaining in the hug much against Loki's will. The fierce Asgardian warrior chuckles lightly and returns the embrace. While the two girls bid farewell, he just stands behind them with crossed arms over his chest and an annoyed eye roll.

"You guys can come visit any time. Well, apart from you, Loki." Valkyrie just says teasingly, using his banishment to her advantage. It looks like Loki is about to conjure one of his daggers again which is why, Aurora quickly steps between them to prevent a fight.

"Okay, it was so peaceful, let's not ruin this, shall we?" The auburn-haired tries to brighten up the mood and ease the hostile relationship they have. "We will definitely send an invitation as soon as we have any wedding plans."

"You better. And, you, brother, you treat her well." Thor grins and pulls Loki into a hug. His expression saddens. "It seems like our paths always diverge."

"Not always." Loki genuinely smiles, a promise that they will see each other again, and they let go of each other. "Take care of our people, your majesty."

"You have my word, Odinson." Thor swears and the brothers smile at each other one last time. This isn't goodbye, it's just a delayed reunion. Thor and Valkyrie will miss them, but it's time for a new chapter in their life. They will reign over New Asgard together and Loki and Aurora will return to the stars, but this doesn't mean that everything is over.

"Okay, can you guys, like, hurry? I want to leave this shit hole." Rocket urges them as the Benatar is ready to fly off. Aurora chuckles and pulls Asgard's rulers into one last hug.

"May we see each other again." She smiles brightly at them, which they return. Loki and Aurora then leave them and walk down the hill to enter the Benatar where Peter, Rocket, Groot, Nebula, Mantis and Drax await them. "We are ready!"

"Finally." Nebula complains with an eye roll and Loki suppresses a comment. He's really trying his best to behave.

Aurora notices how the captain of the Guardians stares longingly at Gamora's picture, the grief still visible in his eyes. She's disappeared after the fight and is somewhere in the galaxy on her own. Comforting him as good as she can, Aurora places her arm around his back and sends him a reassuring smile.

"We will find her again, I promise. Even though our Gamora is gone, we can still save this one." She assures him optimistically. "Loki and I won't get married until our family is completed."

"Thank you, Aurora." Peter squeezes her hand gently, glad to have his sister by his side again. "Okay, Guardians. We're only here because the Avengers made it possible, so we will always owe them a debt."

"Yeah..." Aurora mumbles lowly, still feeling guilty for adding the nanotech to Eve's gauntlets. Her fiancé notices the burden in her voice and he takes her hand, pressing a soft kiss on her knuckles.

"It's not your fault, my love."

"Yeah, I'll believe this eventually." She pulls herself together, taking a deep breath and a smile appears on her lips. "Now let's go."

"Where to?" Loki smiles in admiration at her strength and optimism, and he loves her for that. Finally, there's nothing between them anymore. No enemy, no lies, no insecurities. Just love and trust. And this is how Aurora knows that everything is gonna be okay. They have found their happiness.

"Take me to Heaven."


It's been months now since the vanished have returned and Thanos has been once and for all defeated. The Avengers compound got rebuilt again and the Stones were returned back to their time. The world is at peace again and blossoms more than ever, though the loss is still heavy and the grief still there. The only question that is left is, what is going to happen to the Avengers?

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