11. Nidavellir

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"I am Groot." The teenage tree urges with a shaky voice, in need of a bathroom. They've been flying for hours now and after crying for a very long time, Aurora has decided to pause for a while and now works on the engagement ring. Her eyes also hurt really, really bad and are pretty swollen, she doesn't want to fight the Mad Titan with red eyes. Next to her, Thor is standing and is looking out of the window. He's been silent the whole time.

"Tinkle in the cup. We're not looking. What's there to see? What's a twig? Everybody's seen a twig before." Rocket grumbles and Aurora's eyes are only focused on the ring and the Bunsen burner in her hand. She intends to change the size.

"Don't worry, Groot, I won't be looking. I'm working right now. And I saw some hardcore stuff as a Ravager, so this won't bother me." She dismisses his problem with a wave, still not looking at her nephew and yet Groot still refuses to do it.

"I am Groot." Oh, yeah, that may be indeed a problem, Aurora thinks when Groot clarifies that it's not the audience that exactly bothers him.

"Tree, pour what's in the cup out into space and go in the cup again." Thor advises as he turns to them and Rocket and Aurora stare at the God of Thunder in surprise.

"You speak Groot?" Rocket lifts a brow and Thor nods.

"Yes, they taught it on Asgard. It was an elective." He explains while Groot follows his advice and pours the content of the cup into space.

"I am Groot." The teenager announces and genuine happiness spreads on Aurora's face right now, proud of her success.

"Ha ha!" She cheers and lifts the ring in the air after cooling it down with water. The boys glance at her as the auburn-haired girl puts the jewelry on her ring finger and presents to them the emerald gem. "I changed the size of the ring and also minimized the jewel because the actual size would bother me in a fight. Now I can wear it– What, why are you looking at me like this?"

The sad faces of Thor and Rocket only mirror pity and they remain in silence, not wishing to tell her that this is just painful to watch. Aurora sighs with less enthusiasm now and puts the tools away, her eyes attached to the ring. Thor and the ring are the only things that she's got left of Loki, she feels the urge to protect both at all costs. Aurora knows that Loki always felt excluded or was afraid to be forgotten and she will do anything to remember him.

"You'll know when we're close. Nidavellir's forge harnesses the blazing power of a neutron star." Thor sits down next to Aurora and all of sudden, his strength gives in. A longing, yet mournful nostalgia invaded his voice and the King of Asgard looks lost. "It's the birthplace of my hammer. It's truly awesome."

"Thor..." Aurora's heart sinks and suddenly feels heavy in her chest. Placing her hand on his muscular arm, she slightly squeezes it and attempts to give him a side hug but his shoulders are way too broad to reach the other side. Instead she decides to stroke his back gently to express her sympathy. Rocket gets up and walks to the panel after taking a deep breath.

"So, dead brother, huh? Yeah, that could be annoying, especially when it's Loki." He pretends to be occupied with the panel and Aurora is slightly concerned how Thor will handle Rocket's way of comforting people. She's used to it but Thor and Rocket are only starting to get to know each other.

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