34. Avengers Assemble

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"Eve... Eve. Wake up." Thor shakes her awake and she snaps her eyes open, gasping. As she coughs up the dust, Eve faces his worried expression and the darkened sky behind him. It looks like the world is ending. Thor helps her up while she's groaning in pain, her head is aching like hell and she knocks off the stones and dust of her.

Looking around, the Avengers compound doesn't look like the same anymore, they're in the middle of the battle field. Smoke is thickening the area and the whole place is on fire, the electric sound of damaged wires hissing. Their home is gone. When Eve is standing, Thor shows her the gigantic warship hovering in the air and they spot Thanos sitting down there, waiting patiently for them.

"How the hell is that possible?" Eve mutters in anger, still coughing and Thor is strangely calm.

"I don't know. I just know what we will do about that." His voice is dangerously sharp and the two of them share a glance. "You're up for one more mission?"

"Always." She nods and Tony and Steve join them. "You two okay?"

"Been worse." Tony just responds, his eyes are attached to Thanos as Steve just nods silently at her, making sure that's she's alright, too. "What's he been doing?"

"Absolutely nothing." Thor answers and the four of them are watching their worst enemy. It's the quiet before the storm that makes Eve's nerves itch.

"Where are the Stones?" Steve wants to know and she can see in his iron eyes how Steve's mind is returning to war. She has seen this expression on her best friend many times before. Tony shrugs, barely paying attention to anything else but Thanos.

"Lost somewhere under all this. All I know is he doesn't have them."

"So we keep it that way." Steve decides and Thor agrees, yet reminding them that Thanos won't just stay sitting.

"You know it's a trap, right?"

"Yeah, I don't much care." Tony glances at Thor, revenge weighing his words.

"What more could we lose?" Eve asks nonchalantly and Thor looks at her, nodding.

"Good. Just as long as we're all in agreement." Thor's eyes begin to glow and the dark clouds above them are thundering, lightning brightening the sky. Electricity then dances around Thor's body and he extends his arm to summon Stormbreaker while a thunderbolt hits him at the same time. His hair and armor have changed to the one of a Viking warrior and he glances gravely at the black-haired soldier next to him.

"Eve. Do it." He prompts and she frowns at him.

"Do what?"

"You know what I mean. Reach out for it." Thor instructs and tilts his head. "You've never even tried it, it's time now. I know that you can feel it, it's calling you. Lightning streams through your veins, Lady Mjölnir."

Eve gulps as Tony and Steve stare at her in surprise. Taking a deep breath, she reaches out for the godly hammer which only those who are worthy can wield. After a moment, Mjölnir comes flying by and lands in her hand, the weapon feeling awfully powerful. Eve breathes out a short chuckle, staring at her grip around Mjölnir and the electricity surrounds her body. While Steve smiles proudly, Tony's eyes widen. She is worthy.

"Damn." The brunet is astounded. "Now we're really ready to kick his ass."

Thor nods, "Let's kill him properly this time."

The four Avengers head down and the closer they get to the Mad Titan, the bigger the tension grows. A man in a can, the soldiers out of time and a demigod walk with heavy steps towards Thanos with only determination. The Titan looks up as he has expected them.

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