6. Three Young Again Wiggles meet Captain Feathersword

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In the middle of their way to their Former Wiggle House 3 Young again Wiggles noticed someone. 'Look! - it's Captain Feathersword!' - said Murray who noticed their long term Friend first. 'Where'? - asked Young again Greg - suddenly Stopping & looking from behind Young again Murray's back.

'Right there!' - answered Murray happily, pointing his finger in front of them. 'You're Right! - I can see Him now!' - answered Young again Jeff, also stopping, when Two others stopped - & looking from behind Young again Greg's back. 

And then they all stood next to Each other & called 'Ahoy there, Captain Feathersword!' - togehter, to make sure that their fave Friendly Pirate would hear Them.

'Ahoy there, me hearties! - Nice to See you Again!' - answered Captain Feathersword turning to them hearing their Greating & noticing Young again Murray, Greg & Jeff. 

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He sounded As Kind as Usual - & seemed Happy to see them... - but He didn't say anything about 3 First Wiggles looking Any Younger... - which Surprised them a bit. 

So they started Whispering to each other. 'Hasn't he noticed that We Look Younger?' - Young again Murray whispered to His Friends. 'No Idea! - I'm Surprised!' - Young again Greg whispered back. 

'Maybe Only We can see it?' - whispered Young again Jeff - 'Let's Find Out!'. 

'Alright... - I'll Ask' - decided Young again Greg. And a second later He asked the captain 'Um... Captain... - Have you noticed any Change?'. 'What change, Greg?' - answered Captain Feathersword with a Surprised smile - 'You were The Wiggles - You ARE The Wiggles, & Each of You has the Right Shirt Color - so What Change do you Have in Mind?'. 

'Maybe the Fact that we look 20 Years Younger than When you last Met Us?' - Young again Murray explained patiently with a Slight Smile on his face.

'Oh!... - That 'Change'! - Of course I noticed!... - But You are My Friends, so You Never Stopped looking Like This to Me!' - answered the Friendly Pirate & Smiled at Them.

'Aww! - That was Really Nice!' - said 3 Young again Wiggles together & Smiled wide. 'I know! - Cause I AM Nice!' - answered Captain Feathersword smiling back at Them.

'So now Tell me How You did That' - he asked with a Curious Face. 'Murray built a Time Machine - and as You can See - It Worked!' - answered Young again Jeff happily. 

'A Time machine made you Young?' - the Friendly Pirate asked Them. 'Yup!' - answered 3 Young again Wiggles together & all nodded.

'So maybe I'll also use that Machine?' - said Captain Feathersword with a thoughtful face. 'Oh, You don't need it!' - answered Young again Greg. 'You look Great!' - confirmed Young again Murray. 

'Thank you, me hearties! - but I'm not saying 'Now'... - maybe in 10 or 20 years time, when the 3rd Generation of Wiggles Fans grows up - & I'll start looking like an Old Salt' - said Friendly Pirate with a serious face. 

'You'll never start looking like an 'Old Salt' to Us!' - Young again Jeff assured him. 'Right!' - confirmed Young again Murray & Greg and All Smiled.

'I know!' - answered Captain Feathersword - 'You see me Just like I See You - because You Like Me!'. 'Of Course!' - answered 3 Young Again Wiggles smiling at the Friendly Pirate.  

'But you Really look Great - & so far only Better & better All Through the Years since we first met You!' - said Young again Jeff & Greg & Murray confirmed nodding. 

'Nice to hear that, My Friend... - & That's exactly What Most Wiggle Fans tell me!... - so Maybe You're Right' - said Captain Feathersword with a proud smile. 

'Of course He's Right!' - said Young again Murray. 'So we were Wondering 'How You're Doing That' today' - Young again Greg informed him.

'Oh, You Know this!' - Captain Feathersword told them, Smiling at all 3 Young again Wiggles. 'We Do?' - asked Murray, Jeff & Greg with surprised faces. 'Of course!' - answered the Friendly Pirate & all 3 Wiggles made thoughtful faces thinking for a few seconds.

'We only know that You eat Healthy & you work out' - Young again Greg broke the Silence - 'But there Must be Something More!'. 

'You're right, Me Hearty! - there IS 'Something More' - confirmed Captain Feathersword - 'And You Perfectly Know what'. The 3 Young again Wiggles made Surprised faces & Greg & Murray shook their Heads - which made Captain Feathersword say 'Oh Yes, You Do!' again.

'Maybe you could Remind us' - asked Young again Jeff smiling shyly. 

'Of Course I could!' - answered Captain Feathersword, suddenly getting Happier than before.

And then he sang those lyrics to the Melody of 'Here we go Round the Mulberry bush' :

'This is what Keeps Me Young so long, 
- Young so long, Young So Long...

This is What Keeps Me Young So Long

- Cause Laughter is So Healthy!'

and quickly Tickled Young Again Murray's, Greg's & Jeff's ribs with his Colorful Feathers while Singing.

All 3 Young again Wiggles laughed one by One - & Jeff asked 'So That's Your Way?'. 'Exactly!' - answered Captain Feathersword & stopped Tickling - 'I told you that You Know This!'.

'Seems that We Do' - answered Young again Murray happily - 'But we don't know Where You Were going'. 

'I was just Going to the Wiggle House! - Cause Anthony & the New Wiggles invited Me Today. - Wags, Dorothy & Henry too! - Everyone Will Be there!' - answered Captain Feathersword with a bright Smile on His Face.

'That's Even better! - We'll go With You!' - answered Greg happily.

'And They Will All See Us like That!' - answered Young again Jeff - 'I wonder what They Will Say!'.

'Aww, that's a Great Idea, me hearties! - Let's Go Together!' - said Captain Feathersword with joy & went First.

So The Friendly Pirate & 3 Young again Wiggles went to See 1 Old Wiggle, 3 New Wiggles & 3 Wiggly Friends together.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2019 ⏰

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