1. First: Jeff's Idea

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A few years passed since 3 Former Wiggles Members: Jeff Fatt ( the sleepy Purple Wiggle ) , Murray Cook ( the guitar-playing Red Wiggle with the best ideas for inventing new things ) & Greg Page ( they Yellow Wiggle magician ) Retired from The Wiggles group & got replaced by Lachlan 'Lachy' Gillespie ( the new also-sleepy Purple Wiggle ) , Simon Pryce ( the new opera singing Red Wiggle ) & Emma Watkins ( the FIrst Girl in Wiggles Band! - & new Yellow Wiggle ballerina ).

Since then They put their Wiggly Costumes only Occassionally for some Reunion Shows: in 2016 & 2018 - but started wearing all different colors than that Everyday. 

Of course they still stayed Friends with other Original Wiggles Performers & with each other - & were regularly meeting to talk & share their 'After Wiggles Life' Experiences with each other.

( It may be a Surprise for those who Only Saw them in their Wiggly Costumes everytime - but That's what they look like Now! :) ) ⤵

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*So My Story Begins in 2019 when 3 Retired Wiggles: Greg, Murray & Jeff ( looking just like in the Picture above ) met again on a Beautiful Summer Day* 

They were sitting & talking about their Everyday Stuff, joking from time to time - but suddenly Jeff's face went sad. 'What's wrong, Jeff?' - asked Greg & Murray looking at Jeff's sad Face. 'I miss the days when we were 'Full Time Wiggles' - answered Jeff looking at them. 'Me too' admitted Murray - Those were The Best Years of My Life!'. 'Mine too!' - Greg agreed with his friends - 'I'm glad that at least Anthony & Captain Feathersword still stayed'.

'Yeah' - agreed Murray. 'And they both still look great & stayed So Fit!... - How are they Doing That?' Jeff thought aloud. 'They work out' - answered Greg. 'Maybe I also should... - cause just a few years ago we were singing 'Hot Potato' - & now I'm starting to look like a 'coach potato!' - Murray joked & they all laughed shortly. 

'But let's face the facts, guys... - Time flies & we aren't that young anymore' - said Greg with a thoughtful face. 'I know... - but what if we could be Young & Fit again?' - asked Jeff cheering up suddenly. 'In your dreams!' - answered Murray looking at him with a serious face. 

'You're right, My Friend!' - answered Jeff happily - 'You wouldn't guess What Dream I had last night!'. 'So why don't you tell us?' - Greg encouraged him. 'I had a dream that we were Young & fit like in Our 'Best Wiggles Years' - performing with Anthony, Captain Feathersword & all the New Wiggles together on Stage!' - Jeff told them - 'It was the Best Dream I've Ever had & I woke up Really Happy!'. 

Both Greg & Murray smiled & Murray said 'That must have been a Really Nice Dream, My Friend... - but Just a Dream... - Unfortunately we can't turn back time'. Greg nodded silently & Jeff smiled again & said 'And what if we Could?'. 'How do you imagine it?' - asked Greg & Murray stayed quiet, just making a surprised face. 'With a TIME MACHINE of course!' - Jeff explained happily. 

'A Time Machine?' - Greg & Murray repeated after him. 'Yes!' - Jeff seemed to be convinced about his great idea. 'There is only one problem... ' - Greg brought him back to Reality - 'We don't have a Time machine'. 'Right' - agreed Murray - 'So what now?'.  'So let's Build it!' - answered Jeff, still being an optimist.

'You want to build a Time Machine?' - Greg asked him. 'Yep!' - answered Jeff still smiling. 'Ok... But which one of us would manage to do it?' - asked Murray & both Greg & Jeff stared at him smiling a bit. 'Why are you looking at Me?' - Murray asked them. 'Because you were the best at building useful & innovative things, Remember?' - Greg reminded him & Jeff nodded.

'You're right, My Friends! - I'm Murray Wiggle, the most creative Wiggly inventor This Group has Ever Had!'- said Murray with passion, standing up from the sofa - '... I'll build that Time Machine for Us!'. 'Great! - Now you sound like a True Wiggle!' - Greg praised him. 'Because I Still AM a Wiggle' - answered Murray with a smile. 'We all Are!' - agreed Jeff - 'Wiggles for Life?'. 

'Wiggles for Life!' - answered Greg & Murray together & they all gave each other high fives. 

'So let's not waste any more Time!' - said Murray cheerfully - 'I will start building My Time Machine tomorrow... - but First I need a Plan!'. 'I'm sure that you will manage!' - said Greg - 'And I can already say 'Welcome back, My Black Hair!'. '... And welcome back My Good Health!' answered Jeff with a dreamy face. 

'Of course, My Friends! - I won't fail you!' - Murray assured them - 'My time machine should be ready... - in about a week time!'. 'Alright!' said Greg & Jeff happily, then both stood up from the sofa as well, said 'Goodbye' to Murray & left his house going back home in Great Moods! - Cause they were given a chance for the Second Youth!

My Wiggles Fanfiction: Wiggly Time machineWhere stories live. Discover now