My Life Is Over Part 8

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Ewwwww!! I must look like crap!!! I haven't even done my makeup
yet!!!! Why didn't she warn me!?
"Hi," is all I can manage to get out before I turn around and
bolt up the stairs the bathroom. I close the door and lock it so Ben
doesn't disturb me.
I quickly, but neatly, I apply my eyeliner, mascara, and grey
eye shadow before opening the door again to head downstairs.
I bump into Ben, not hard enough to knock him off his feet, but
hard enough to make him stumble. Unfortunately, it also wasn't enough
to get him to stop from chanting.
"Alex and Lexi sittin' in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G first comes
love, then comes marriage, then comes you pushin' a baby carriage"
"Shut up brat! And for your information, we haven't even kissed
yet!" I added the second part in a lower voice and stuck my tongue out
at him. As I walked downstairs he followed and hummed the same song
which annoyed the crap out of me.
"Shut.Up. Just get a life, Ben! One better than annoying me all
"Aw, thanks, I love you, too"
"Ben, that's probably the oldest response around,"
"Give me a break! I'm only 12! But you have to give me some
credit, I do have devilish good looks,"
I snort, "You wish!"
We just stand at the bottom of the staircase babbling about
random things until Alex comes to interrupt us. Oh, no! During our
"babbling" I forgot he was here! Crap! I might have said a couple
things that he shouldn't have heard like; "At least I can get a date"
and "He's hotter than you'll ever be"
Crap! My face turns bright red. And believe me this red, is
redder than my shoes.
He just smiles at me and gestures for me to come and have
breakfast. Odd. This is all too weird for me. We haven't even gone on a
date yet and he's at my house. In my kitchen. Talking with my mom. Who
does that?
"I came to see if you were ready for school and if you wanted a
"Uh, yeah sure, I just have to eat and then we can go," I looked
over at my mom; she didn't have one trace of worry on her face. She
was actually smiling as she was preparing Ben's lunch. As I studied
her, her face seemed kind of flushed. Also odd. Well, not entirely.
Flattery will get you everywhere with my mom, a couple compliments
from the guys I bring home and she'd be offering her permission for my
hand in marriage.
After I finished the half of a bagel and cream cheese my mom
made for me we headed out the door. Of course, only after I brushed my
teeth first and touched up my makeup in some places is when we left.
As we walked out the door my mom stood on the front step,
waving goodbye. Neither of us said anything, I just waved and he
opened the passenger side door for me to get in.
I sat there and watched my mom go inside and almost at the
same time he got in the car.
"Beautiful day, isn't it? The sun's out," I stared at him in
disbelief. Either it's some strange coincidence or he's just making
conversation. "What?"
"I love the sun, it's the best thing that happened to this
world," he started the ignition and mumbled something but I couldn't
catch it. I thought I heard him say something like "Believe me, that's
not the best thing that's happened to this world"
"What did you say?" I asked curiously
"Nothing," and he drove off. Now, you would think most guys
would drive recklessly, but not this guy. He moved antagonizingly slow
and he even slowed down, which I didn't think was possible, at a
yellow light. I was surprised he didn't get pulled over. We sat there
in silence. Maybe this is why he came so early.
He took a turn in the wrong direction. How does guy who
drives this slow, miss their turn?
"Uh, Alex, you went the wrong way,"
"Oh well, we're taking the scenic route today,"
"Ok," Suddenly he slammed on the breaks.
"Oh my God! Did you see that?"
"No?" he turned off the ignition and opened his door.
"It was this huge bear! Don't move, I'm going to try and
scare it away," without giving me time to answer, he got out of the
car and walked in front of the car. I checked my phone: 7:45 we still
had time before school started.
I slunk down in my seat, closed my eyes and angled my face so
that it was in the sun. I didn't fall asleep but I couldn't really
hear Alex when he abruptly opened my side of the door. I jumped but I
didn't scream.
"Ten minutes and nothing," he didn't sound mad or anything, he
actually was smiling. "And you didn't have one complaint about my
driving! Lexi, you are a keeper!"
"Good to know," he closed my door and ran around to the other
side and climbed in.
"See this is what I like about you, you're indifferent you
don't complain and you don't squeal when I try to scare you! Now are
you ready to see what I actually drive like?"
"Let me guess, you're a real maniac,"
"You know it,"

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