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I wake up the next morning to find Kay sprawled across her bed snoring. If I wasn't so tired I'd probably be laughing because it's really funny.

I jump out of my bed and run to the bathroom, waking Kay up as I leave.

She mutters a couple things and turns over.

This time I do laugh, and that makes her jump right up and awake.

"What's the time?" She asks frantically.

I throw her my watch and head off to the bathroom. It's still really early.

Note to self: buy an alarm clock.

I quickly shower, brush my teeth and get dressed in sport clothes. I throw on running shoes and add some mouse to my hair to keep the long ringlets in place.

I grab my phone and I'm about to leave for reals when Kay calls out, "I'm borrowing your Banana dress, thanks!"

I roll my eyes and leave.

I try to get up really early every morning to go on my exercise route, I go for a long jog around town and come back just in time to get dressed and go to the first class.

I plug earphones from my iPhone into my ears and start walking.

I'm already on Wentworth st, about twenty minutes from the university when I'm suddenly yanked from my thoughts by a loud "Boo!"

I whip around furious only to notice douchface, I mean Tex standing there, a grin on his face. His friends are all crowding around him as usual.

"What the fuck do you want Tex?" I shout, pulling out an earphone.

He smiles and that just pisses me off all the more.

"Babe, chill, I just wanted to say good morning!" he pouts.

I'm about to walk away when I think better of it, he can't just fucking get away with this.

He's already in a conversation with his friend so I storm up to him and shove him hard, "Boo!" I shout, "Was that funny Tex!?" I scream.

He has the nerve to start laughing and all his gayass friends join in.

"Actually, I think it was hilarious!" he says happily.

I clench my teeth so hard, trying to have self control and not smash his face in.

"Thanks Tex for being so mature." I say, heavy on the sarcasm.

Then I give him the finger and stomp away. Just before I put my earphones back in I can hear him call out, "Yeah because Indigo, that was just sooo mature...!"

Although he can't see when I do, I roll my eyes. Then I decide that because he wasted so much of my time I have to head back to school.


I run back to my dorm room to see Kay just waking up now. I pull out my new, somewhat short, fluro peach tube skirt and match it with a loose white flowery top. I throw them on, grab a cheese stick from the fridge, say bye to Kay and leave.

My first class is physics and thank the Lord I'm kinda smart or I would have no idea what's flying.


I would never have ever guessed that Scotts roommate, Evan, had a crush on me. I honestly would have never realized. Kay though had to spill the beans.

"Oh my god," Tina joins in, "are you kidding me? Ind, you honestly never knew?"

"No, because it's not true. Ew, he so doesn't like me, I'm so not his type anyway, he's into girls like you Kay."

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