15. Rantings of a Locker Lunatic

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Being trapped in my locker gave me plenty of time to do some serious thinking about my cruddy life.

Like, what was GOOD about it (my family, I guess) and what was BAD (I had a long list of stuff), and whether I had the power to change anything.

I was sick and tired of Thug treating me like DIRT. But, I had to admit, it was MY fault for letting him get away with it. I should've asked for help. I promised myself that IF I got out of this fiasco alive, I would NEVER, EVER let this happen to me again. Or to anyone else, for that matter.

I didn't deserve this! NOBODY deserved this! I felt really sad when I thought about my parents. They worried about me a lot and always asked how things were going at school. But I'd lied to them.

So NOW I'm going to tell them the TRUTH.

Dear Mom and Dad, THIS is how I'm FEELING! . . .

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Yeah, you could say my feelings are probably a little overdramatic intense and raw at the moment

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Yeah, you could say my feelings are probably a little overdramatic intense and raw at the moment.

Sorry, but that's just where my head is right now.

It's about time everyone knew the truth.

Hey, there's no shame in MY game!

Anyway, I've been trapped in my locker now for over three hours. Which means I now have only . . .

*Doing the math in my head*



The worst part of all of this is that my family won't even realize I'm MISSING until it's too late, due to my hectic schedule.

What outrageous, adrenaline-pumping, super-fun activities did I have planned for my three-day weekend?

How about rock climbing, a 5K race, extreme skiing, and a freestyle BMX competition!


My grandma planned to attend the annual Westchester Knitting Convention with her friends on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday to take a bunch of classes.

And get this!

She offered to pay me $20 a day to DOGSIT her mangy little mutt, Creampuff, at her house all weekend.

So, YES! I agreed to sleep over and babysit a mentally disturbed dog with a nasty habit of scooting his butt on the carpet when he thinks no one is looking.

Which meant I'd mostly be eating, sleeping, watching TV, and playing video games for three whole days and actually getting PAID for it! SWEET!!

I bet you're probably thinking my grandma will just call my parents when I don't show up at her house.

Then my parents will call the police to report their darling child missing.

Then I'll be tracked down at my school and rescued all easy-peasy like! Right?

WRONG again!

This morning my grandma called me and CANCELED at the last minute.

But I'd decided NOT to mention this little detail to my parents since they'd been nagging me to clean out the garage and I was thinking about staying overnight at Brandon's house and hanging out at Fuzzy Friends all weekend instead.

My grandma and her friends decided NOT to go to the knitting convention because the TV weatherman predicted rain.

And although the convention was indoors, she said the rain would aggravate her arthritis and make her cankles swell, so she decided to stay home and watch a Golden Girls marathon on TV instead.

And now my grandma thinks I'm at home with my parents.

And my parents think I'm at my grandma's house.

Which means my ENTIRE FAMILY is blissfully unaware of my whereabouts, although Megan could not care less.

It will be several DAYS before they finally figure out I'm in trouble and call the police.

And by that time it'll be too late!

Of course, Megan will celebrate my untimely death by turning my bedroom into the walk-in shoe closet she's always wanted.

And Oliver will put on his Bat Kid costume and gleefully scribble with black markers all over my personal stuff (including my cherished comic book collection) AND my bedroom walls, until he runs out of markers or drops from exhaustion, whichever occurs first.

I don't mean to be all doom and gloom, but short of a miracle, there's NO WAY I'm going to make it out of my locker ALIVE!

Ok guys, thank's for reading!! Tell me in the comments on how the story is!

(Btw plz check out my other stories!!)

Remember to vote, tell your friend's about this story, and to have a good morning/afternoon/night!!

745 words

Max Crumbly x Female Reader "Locker Hero"Where stories live. Discover now