Such a Softer Sin Chapter 39

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THIS IS IT!!!!!!!!!!!! *ugly cries for days*

The last chapter you guyssssss. OMGODDDDDDDDD.

*breathes slowly*

This wasn't supposed to be the last chapter, originally I was gonna do one more, I'm not gonna tell you what it was about but you'll probably guess by the end of this one what it might have been. But I decided against it because I wanted to drag it out a bit longer, so the thing I was gonna do will happen in the sequel...maybe, you'll see what I'm talking about at the end of this one. So I thought this was a good place to end this one, and I'll be starting the sequel like right the fuck now!

It feels like such an end of an era and I feel so sad, this story has been my baby for so long now, but the story is far from over. The sequel is next, set during the first movie and there will be another after that. But still, I feel sad. We all know the movie is full of drama and such so their lives are gonna change dramatically in the sequel.

I've warned you before and I'll warn you again, it's gonna be super canon divergent and have an AU element in there. The whole thing would have been different anyway just cause Lila exists in their lives, you know? It has a knock on effect and things would be different. So it will be my take on it with Lila thrown in to mix shit up. I hope you'll like it.

It's gonna be weird for me, cause I free write everything I do, but obviously there's a plot to follow, even if it's loosely in my case, for the next one, so it'll be a little harder for me not to free write, but I do have some ideas already for certain things.

So, I hope this end is good enough for you, remember it's not the final end, it's more of a break. I could have just kept it all going in one giant fic but I kinda wanted to separate it, to mark the end of this era with the boys. But don't worry, there's still so much for these three ahead and I'm so excited.

I can't believe I actually finished a fic, holy shit. I love you all!!


Lila was confused, beyond confused even...worried? She was a lot of things. She had been at work as usual, when the twins up and left without a word, leaving through the doors. She'd watched on confused, wondering if they needed a brotherly chat and a smoke outside since they never just left, but after ten minutes and they still hadn't returned, it only made her worry. When she had gone to look outside, her hairy best friend had stopped her, informing her the twins had gone back to the loft and he was under instruction to walk her home after her shift. The fuck? Now she was really worried, she tried to wrack her brain for something that could have upset them, but they'd had a pretty standard day. They'd gone to work and came back in good moods, she had made them dinner and then they came here. Nothing had happened here, it was only the regulars and they'd all been having a laugh. So why in the fuck did the boys just leave without even a goodbye and now she was to be escorted home by her best friend?

It had been two months since the accident and things had been going well for the three of them. They had successfully moved past what had happened and now it was just a bad memory. Both boys were cast and injury free which helped, not having a glaring reminder of everything that went on. They kept their routine as usual, the boys working, Lila cooking for them when they got home, the three going to McGinty's for Lilas shift. It was drama free and it was going well. So whatever the fuck this was, it caught her off guard.

By the end of her shift, the girl was fidgety as shit and Rocco almost throttled her. He was walking her home, her hands wringing and eyes darting everywhere like she'd find the fucking answer in a brick in the wall.

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