Such a Softer Sin Chapter 13

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Yes, two chapters again lololol.

Serious talks, forgiveness, and some good old fashioned ribbing each other.


When Lila stopped staring at the broken table longingly, the table that once was the place for their family like meals together, she turned to see Connor sitting up in bed, rubbing his eyes tiredly with Murphy sat next to him. The twins didn't need to talk to each other, they could communicate from thoughts, feelings and looks alone. And Connor knew the lass had forgiven his brother before she even sat down on the mattress with them. He was glad she had. He knew she had every right not to, Murphy's behavior had been so appalling his brother was ready to tear his limbs off. But he knew underneath it all, Murphy was just hurt and confused, he was scared and he had handled it terribly. But Lila had found it in her big beautiful heart to forgive him, and Connor admired her for that.

She sat down in front of them, tossing the new key in Connors lap and playing with her fingers before glancing at them both.

"I want to clear the air. If we're all gonna move on from this and be friends again then we need to talk, or shits gonna get awkward." She sighed, shooting them a rueful smile. They just nodded quietly, letting her continue with what she wanted to say. Connor reached out and gripped the back of Murphy's neck, a gesture Lila noticed he did a lot when Murphy was upset, as if it comforted and grounded him.

"I don't need to tell you both that what you did wasn't okay, you've made it pretty clear you see that now. I need some time to trust you again like I did, but I'll get there. You two really hurt me but...I care about you too much to just walk away. I need you both in my life, and I get that you didn't do it to hurt me. I just need to make it clear that if I find out you've pulled this kind of shit again, I won't be sticking around. This is the only warning you'll get, and honestly, you're lucky you're even getting it. I was ready last night to just leave." She said softly as she leveled her gaze on the two of them. They both looked guilty and sad as they nodded in agreement. They were beyond grateful for the second chance, and to hear her say she cared too much to walk away, it made their hearts ache.

"Won't ever happen again lass, I can promise ye that. We were selfish and it was wrong." Connor sighed, he still looked sleepy and Lila had to fight a smile at how adorable he looked.

"As long as we're clear, I'd like us to be friends again. I miss how it was, the three of us. We can't pretend what happened, didn't happen, but I'd like to just try and move on from it. We don't need to drag it up and go over it over and over again. It's done, it can't be changed. You upset me and you know it, you've said sorry. There's no point dwelling on the past, life's too short." She said quietly. The boys agreed wholeheartedly, they were more than pleased for the opportunity to make things right, even more so for Murphy after what he had done. They all wanted to go back to how it was and they were more than happy never to bring it up again like she suggested. She was right, it was done, no use crying over spilled milk and all that. They needed to earn back her trust, and they fucking would. They realized the error of their ways and they were not in the habit of making the same mistake twice.

They sat there for a minute, the boys looking at Lila carefully as she watched them. As if they were making sure they were all on the same page and okay to move on. Connor and Murphy didn't need to look at each other, they could feel each other out, especially with Connors hand on Murphy's neck, taking a mental evaluation of the other. They all knew it was going to be a little weird at first, but they needed to push through it until things were normal again. Since Lila and Murphy had extra stress after Murphy's outburst, Connor took it upon himself once again, to be the one to take initiative.

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