Such a Softer Sin Chapter 34

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Don't hate meeeeeeeee lolololol

Shit gets real, brace yourselves some for intense feels in this one.

I actually struggled with this one for some reason, I don't know if its the intensity of it or what, but I'm glad I pushed through and churned it out.

Enjoy! Or don't, cause I mean...well you'll see :')


Lila was pacing in the kitchen as she chewed her thumb anxiously. She knew something was very fucking wrong, glancing to the clock every fucking second. The boys should have been home from work an hour ago, yet they were nowhere to be seen. She wondered if the God awful morning they had, had anything to do with it, but she couldn't shake the fear that was clawing at her. That morning, they'd had a fight. Or well, Murphy had a fight with Connor and Lila to be precise.

She had woken up before the boys, which was a rare thing on weekdays. She had a sense of dread inside of her, the same sense of foreboding that she'd had the night of the bar fight. Something felt off and she didn't like it. They were all here, they were safe, she couldn't possibly think what it could be, so she chalked it up to being emotional, maybe she was due her fucking period or something. To distract herself, she set to making the boys breakfast before work. Usually, they would let her sleep, not waking before they left. They would grab some toast or pop by the diner to get their breakfast on a workday. They ended up waking earlier than usual from the smell of food, both happy to be able to spend more time with the lass before work.

She had still felt off though, and Murphy had picked up on it. And when he asked her, she panicked. Because in her head she was just being stupid and hormonal and it made her feel silly. So what did she do? She blocked him of course, in the moment of panic she closed off her mind and when Murphy reached out to her, he fucking felt it. The boy was furious. But it wasn't until Connor jumped in to defend her, telling his twin he had been the one to teach her and she had been practicing on him, when shit really hit the fan. Murphy was beyond pissed that his brother had taught her how to shut them out, that he had done so behind his back.


"The fuck ye mean ye been teachin' her?! The fuck ye want her te shut us out for?!" He bellowed, standing up so fast the chair tipped over. Lila shrunk back in her seat feeling uncomfortable, so she grabbed the dishes and went to the sink with them. Connor stood, leaning his hands on the table as he looked at his brother sternly.

"Her thoughts are her own Murphy! She deserves some fuckin' privacy aye? Yer the one that said it was invasive, what the fuck changed?!" Connor asked angrily.

"Fuckin' everythin'! It's different now, we're together and we love each other. We ain't supposed te be keepin' shit from each other anymore!" He shouted, his arms flying about. Lilas' heart dropped when she realised it wasn't just the fact she was blocking him, it was the fact Connor had taught her behind his back and neither of them had told Murphy.

"Murph, we didn't tell ye 'cause we knew ye'd lose yer shit! Just like ye are now!" Connor replied, throwing his hands up in the air exasperatedly. Murphy scowled, moving around the table a little as his chest heaved.

"Ye didn't keep shit from me before she came along." He sneered, gesturing to the girl who was now watching with wide eyes.

His venomous words made her take a step back like she had been winded. The one thing she had always said was that she never wanted to come between the boys, and here they were, arguing because of her. Her breathing hitched when Murphy turned his glare onto her, he was so fucking angry.

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