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I got in Aileana's vision, or what was left of it. She looked at me, and I will never forget her face. The fear in her eyes, the need for comfort, all of it in her one glance. I gently held her, and she held onto me, like her life depended on it. Her voice box was definitely broken, as she tried to talk, but only patches of glitchy words were making their way out of her mouth. "Is she gonna be okay Sonic...?" I looked down at her shaking figure, her cries making the guilt of not being there hurting me more. I looked at Ray with a small smile. "She'll be fine.."

(Sonic POV)

I was sitting next to Tails, waiting for him to finish eating  his breakfast. He was healing faster than I thought, which wasn't a bad thing. His eye was still black, but it was clearing up. He had a cut on his lip, and he had a large cut in his ear. His right arm earned a sprain, and his left leg was broken. Luckily, his spine only gained a bruise and didn't break. He still had bandages around his head, gaining a concussion from the..... incident.

Everytime I looked at each of his injuries, more guilt built up in me. If I hadn't ran into the city out of anger, if I had listened to Sally. I looked down from Tails, not being able to look him in the eyes. He noticed quickly, tilting his head. "Sonic? What's wrong?" His voice was raspy, well, more than usual. I sighed and gave him a small smile. "Nothing, bud. Just focus on getting that food down. You must be starving for food."

He looked at me with a suspicious look, not letting the topic go. My eyes shifted, looking anywhere but him. He put his food down, folding his arms the best he could without hurting himself. "Sonic, just because I'm on this medical bed and have a concussion doesn't mean I can't see through your lies." He said, clearly displeased by my lie. I sighed, putting my face in my hands. He became less stern, as his voice got worried. "Sonic..?"

"Tails, this is all my fault." "Wha-" "I should've been there for you. If I had stayed in the lab, if I hadn't argued with Sally, you wouldn't have gotten hurt." "Sonic-" "I'm your big brother, it's my job to protect you. And I couldn't even do that. I'm so sorry Tails, I should've been there. I should've been the big brother you needed, I-" "Sonic!" I look up at Tails, tears in my eyes.

"Sonic, none of this was your fault. You didn't know when Robotnik was going to activate her again. I should've been more careful, and I should've thought faster. If anything, it's my fault I got hurt." He smiled at me with a sad smile. I held his hand. "This wasn't your fault Tails. You're still a kid." "And technically you are too." We both chuckled at his response. "Hey, since this isn't our faults, let's blame it on Robuttnik." Tails smiled. "Yeah! He was the one who triggered her." I chuckled and gently rubbed his head. "Ready to walk around?"

(Aileana POV) 

Rotor had fixed me last night, keeping me in this room until morning. I understand why. After what I did to everyone, I shouldn't ever be allowed out of here. I'm a criminal. I'm not a freedom fighter. "I'm a badnik.." I sobbed to myself quietly in the corner of the room. All these horrible thoughts were swarming in my mind, not leaving me alone. Disgusting. Traitor. Untrustworthy. I hugged my knees and cried louder, not caring if I was heard.

After a few moments, I heard a knock on the door. I ignored it. I didn't want to talk to anyone. The knock was heard again, and this time I called out to it. "Go away..." After a few moments of silence, I thought the person at the door was gone. I started to sob again, and I heard the door open slowly. I turned my head to the door, seeing Sonic standing in the door way. "Aileana..? Are you alright..?" I turned away, wiping my eyes so he couldn't see my tears. "Sonic... please leave..." 

I heard the door close and his footsteps coming closer. I hugged my knees tighter, scooting closer into the corner. He kneeled in front of me. "Aileana... it's ok-" "No it's not...! I'm a badnik...!" I sobbed more. He was taken back by my out burst. "......Who told you that." "I did... and Robotnik basically said I was... And he's right..." I felt a hand touch my chin, and lead my face to look at Sonic's. 

His eyes were glistening with tears, his emerald eyes shining in the dark room. His voice sounded dark, but comforting at the same time. "Aileana. You are not a badnik. You are not that man's object. You are a person, a beautiful, amazing, breathtaking person. I would give my life for you, and nothing will change that. Not Robotnik taking over you, not you saying you're a badnik, nothing." He leaned close to my face, our lips close, his face a light. "I love you Aileana..." He gently leaned in, our lips connecting.

*Sorry for taking forever to update! I felt weird writing the last paragraph, but it was a good weird, ya'know? Anyway, I'm back from camping! Thank ya'll for your patience!*

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