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I gently sat her down on the bed, not letting go. I gently let her go, holding her cheeks in my hands. I wiped her tears with my thumbs and smiled. She looked up at me, and my heart stopped. She was beautiful. I held her close once more, laying with her on the bed. She was close to my chest, her face hiding in it. Soon enough, we both fell asleep.

(Aileana POV)

I woke up with something warm around me. I held onto it, it's warmth making me feel like I had flesh and blood. I smiled into the thing, and it held me tighter than I held it. I opened my eyes quickly, remembering last night. I sat up and looked at Sonic. He was still asleep. I quickly got up and went out of the room, going to the kitchen. Almost everyone was there, and they all looked at me as I ran in.

I stood and smiled awkwardly. Shadow rolled his eyes then stood up and walked out. I rubbed my arm, feeling like it was my fault. But Mighty smiled and patted the chair next to him. I gladly took it, not looking anyone in the eye. They all knew what happened. They knew I went evil. When I sat down, I noticed Ray and Tails next to Mighty. I took this as my chance to apologize.

"Boys, I... I'm so sorry for last night... I don't know what came over me and.... and I never wanted to hurt you..." They both smiled. "Don't worry about it Aileana! We know it was an accident!" Ray said. "Yeah! And I'm going to find a way to fix it!" Tails added. I smiled sheepishly, glad that was over with. We all turned our heads to a loud set of footsteps walking into the room. It was non other than Sonic. He looked super tired.

He sat down next to Tails, that being the only opened seat left. He looked around and smiled at me. I smiled back. Sally walked to the front of the table. "Alright guys, we have a big day ahead of us. Aileana, could you come with me and Tails for a moment?" I froze, then nodded slightly.  I stood up and followed the two out of the room. Once we made our way out, I saw Shadow standing in the corner. I looked at Sally confused.

She smiled. "As you know, this is Shadow. He has gone through something similar to what you're going through." I looked at Shadow again. He still looked irritated I was here. "He has agreed to help you not-" she cut herself off. She looked at me with a pity look. "I-I mean.." "She means to keep you in check." Shadow walked towards me. I cowered a bit in fear. "You going out like that was too much of a risk to keep you around. But Sally insisted to help you. So, since I'm one of the strongest, fastest fighters here, she has assigned me to keep you from going out again."

I looked at him with tears in my eyes. "I-I didn't mean to-" "Meant to or not, it was a close call." Tails took my hand. "We think it might have something to do with Robotnik. Until we figure it out, Shadow's going to help keep you from going out like that." I looked at him. They don't want you here. I heard a voice in my head. I looked at Tails. I didn't want to see him scared like he was last night. I sigh and lower my head. "Ok..."

Sally put a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "Aileana, don't think of this as a punishment. As soon as we figure out what caused it, we'll fix it and things will be normal, alright?" I gave her a smile. "If it keeps you guys safe.. then I'll do it.."

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