Chapter 15: Even killers have bad days.

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Why does Jerry like me? What have I done that was so significant to warrant his attention?

I was still analyzing it.


I studied the man softly snoring beside me.

Andrew Connors.

This was the man I was supposed to be thinking about, not Jerry.

He almost kissed me. He wanted to kiss me.

I felt myself growing embarrassed at the image of his face. He wanted to kiss me.

“Stop thinking about it,” I scolded myself. I must still be sick, the lingering flu is surely messing with my logical mind.

Andrew Connors.

I needed to stay on track. I shifted, my hand slipping in Andy's shorts, my fingers getting him ready for me to mount.

He was hard in no time, I needed him right now. I needed him to remind me of my place, my plans and who I was.

I pulled down his shorts as I saddled his hips, taking him in. I was not ready, but I needed the pain.

I rode him dry.

Below me, Andy slowly aroused from his sleep to blink up at me. “Can’t sleep?”

“Nope.” His hands held my hips, ceasing my movement.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” He flipped me over, caging me under his body. “What’s wrong?”

Jerry, that’s what's wrong.

“I…I did something to someone because I thought it was the right thing to do and I still believe that what I did was right.” I let out a heavy breath. “But then why do I feel bad about it?”

I had hoped that Andy would give me an answer, but instead, he positioned my legs around his waist and began to move.

“You are not wet.” He stated while I fisted my fingers into the sheets. “I know. I want you to pound into me.”

It hurts.

Andy did as I requested, he did not hold back.

I needed this. I wanted this.

I had to have this.

I didn’t want to imagine Jerry's scorching gaze staring down at me.

I bit down on my tongue when Andy pushed in too hard. “I see you.”

I kissed him, eyes wide open, too afraid to shut them because I knew that Jerry's face would traitorously replace my boyfriend.

The Academy is good so I must be good.

The Academy is great so I must be great.

I recited over and over in my head as Andy ripped me apart.

It was stingingly transcendent, just like my first time.

“You are due for your first mission in twenty days.” My handler was not pleased that I have yet to shed my maidenhead.

“Find someone and take care of it at once.” He ordered while I considered the candidates, only one came to mind.


Hive. Rank, drone. Directive, maintenance, and stand-in for hand to hand combat trainer.

Like many of the Hive workers, he never got his name, and while his hand to hand combat skills were as high as a canine, his only fault was his inability to handle firearms under stress.

He caught my eye not so long ago when he was called to fix the timer in the shooting arena. His expression was always set in a scowl, his blue eyes were arctic.

His form was not bulky like a dog but well-muscled, straining the grey uniform he had on. His crew cut hair made him look older than his age.

I wanted him.

I wasn’t sure how to approach him about my predicament. I wondered how many partners he has had.

I have completed basic seduction class, and after my mission, I was told I will be joining the advanced class, but for that to happen, I was required to seek a partner to practice with.

I was a little nervous, from my observation, DC-Thirty-Six does not interact with anyone unless it was necessary.

He mostly kept to himself, did his job and stayed out of sight.

“DC-Thirty-Six, a moment of your time please.” I didn’t want to waste any more time, there were a lot of risks going out there.

Violations. Torture. Death.

My age meant nothing.

“I require your assistance,” I started while he disapprovingly frowned down at me. “I will be sent out soon on my first mission and I have yet to have my first penetration.”

His frown got even deeper, causing creases to appear on his forehead. “No.”


“You are much too young for me. I advise you to find someone else more qualified.” He shifted around me but I was far from giving up.

“There is no one else. Those of my age are either still learning or sloppy. I need someone with experience to break and train me.” I explained as I blocked his path once more.

“No,” he impatiently gritted out.

“Why not?” I defiantly glared back at him.

“I am not as well seasoned as you think.”

“But you graduated years ago, surely you must have…” I trailed off when I noticed how his cheekbones were dusted pink.

“I have my hands to relieve the ache,” he unshyly admitted.

“I still want you to be my first.” It was my cheeks that redden this time.

He carefully studied me before nervously rubbing his head. “How old are you?”

“Old enough.”

“How old are you?” He repeated and this time, I gave him an honest answer.

“That’s seven years difference.” I tried not to fidget, fearing another rejection. “Does that bother you?”

“Age matters little here.” His words caused me to glance at him expectedly. “Alright.”

I beamed up.

He set a time and gave me directions to his private quarters.

I showed up on the agreed time and timidly knocked on his door. I didn’t know whether I should greet him or not when he opened it and settled on a nod.

He stepped aside to let me in. His room was small, half the size of my room, with only a bed and a small dresser.

He was one of the luckier ones. Dogs shared close quarters with their breed or pack, only alphas were given their own space. Felines and numerals spend most of their time out there, they were provided temporary lodging until their next assignment sends them on their way.

Hives like dogs also shared space, but unlike the canine that was divided by breed, Hives were segregated by sex.

“Should I undress?” I asked as soon as he closes the door behind me. “If that's what you want to do, then please.”

“What position do you desire to take me?” Missionary was a good starter for beginners.

“I will not be entering you.” He coughed out while I tilted my head in confusion. “I won’t fit, we will need to loosen you up or I will end up permanently damaging you.”

I slipped off my uniform and unclipped my bra, while DC-Thirty-Six, refuses to look at me.

“Now what?”

“Take off your underwear and bend over facing the wall.” I did as he instructed and waited.

I flinched when I felt his fingers intruding as he curiously spreads me apart. “You are still intact.”

He pushed a finger in.

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