Chapter 8: Baiting game.

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I got a job.

Working in a book store. Surrounded by books. It reminded me of my sanctuary. The smell of papers, not magazines but actual papers, fills me with a sense of nostalgia.

I wondered if Tassi is having fun with all the company I kept sending her, did she get my messages?

Seven of Vincent's men and faceless countless others.

It was still not enough.

The number of candles on the cake to celebrate your age. The number of the roses on every anniversary to count all milestone we would pass, and the numbers of lives stolen for the years you could have lived.

It was still not enough.

I intend to send them all to you. You could have your pick of any one of them.

I quietly observed the people walking by, no one ever comes in. Everybody just reads online nowadays or not read at all.

The clock ticked by loudly in my ears. Something big is going to happen. I can feel it. There is a strange sense of anticipation building inside me, and my horoscope did say to be on a lookout for a new horizon.

I have been a good girl for a couple of weeks since my last offering to Tassi, and the ace has yet to make a move.

Perhaps I overestimated her. Perhaps she has yet to grasp the rules of the game.

Vincent, on the other hand, is playing a different game, duck season, except his aim, is far off and his hound keeps getting lost in the long grass.

Maybe I should cut them some slack.
Autumn will be here soon.

“Andy will be here soon to pick me up,” I mumbled, eyes dropping, mind-numbing.

When I opened my eyes, someone was standing in front of me, causing my face to slip from the palm of my hand in surprise. “Sorry, I was just resting my eyes, how can I help you?”

“Ms. Espiritus.”

It took a second for my eyes to refocus and realize who was it was that was addressing me. “Oh, it’s you. Yes, how can I help you?”

“I have good news.”

“Yeah? You plan on buying all the books in here?” I snidely asked while he frowns at my tone. “We have a lead on your friend’s death.”

I wanted to call bullshit on his claim. “You finally got who did it?”

“No, but we-" “Then how is that good news?” I was pushing his buttons, causing his frown to deepen if that was even possible.

“As I was saying, we have a lead.”

I blinked at him and then opened my mouth. “Why are you here really? Just to tell me that you can shoot crap out of your ass just like everyone else?”

His jaws twitched in silent anger.

“What kind of agent are you? You have no suspect in custody, no suspect in mind, and I bet you don’t even have a lead. So the real question here is, why the fuck are you really here for, other than to waste my time.”

He slammed his hands on the counter. “You listen here, you little bitch, you may think you are smarter than us but you have no idea who you are disrespecting here, so I suggest you watch your mouth.”

“Or what? What are you going to do? Let the killer murder me like he did my friend and stupidly not know how to solve the case.” I sneered and got right in his face. “It’s been two months.”

I should have a better rein on my emotions, however, the frustration of being surrounded by morons and the lack of a challenge had chipped away a part of my common sense.

I fiercely glared at him, waiting for a retort, only have him gone from my sight. It took a split second for me to grasp what just happened, Andy had yanked the blonde agent back and forced him against a bookcase.

“Andy, no!” If I thought I was bad for losing it, it was nothing compared to my boyfriend.

“Let him go,” I pleaded as I tried to put some space between them. “Andy, please.”

“Stay the fuck away from her, if you talk to her or even look at her again. I will kill you!”

The agent did not fight back, and I refused to let Andy make any rash decision, just so the fucker can have an excuse to arrest or worse, shoot my boyfriend.

“I think you should leave.” I didn’t spare him a glance as I focused my attention on my seething man, who wanted nothing more than to pound the agent into the ground.

George left the little book shop, signaling to his partner that the bait has been set as he walked down the street.

“Andy, calm down, he could have you arrested for assault,” I tried to reason with him as his fingers bruised my wrist.

Shouts and curses were exchanged before Andy shoved me off and stormed out the place.

I angrily combed my fingers through my hair. This was not good.

Andy right now was in a delicate process, that blond dick is going to mess up my work and set back my progress.

I needed to fix this and fast.

I waited for him, except Andy didn’t come home. There was now a large hand-shaped bruise on my skin, and I also got fired.

My boss saw the fight.

This is spiraling out of my control.

“Well played Ace,” I murmured to myself as I sat in the dark, staring at the door. She came after my toy, trying to steal him away, let’s see how she likes it when I destroy hers.

I smiled at the idea. It would motivate her, wouldn’t it? Fuel her determination to catch me, just like in the movie when someone important to hero gets hurt or killed.

I dolled up in the morning, knowing fully well that Andy had an early shift today and would get off at noon.

I took my time, I had a few errands to run first. I played a few likely scenarios in my heads, he should have enough time to cool off by now.

Being prepared to face Andy was one thing, running into detective Kelley was another.

I tried to sneak past him, unfortunately, he already spotted me. “Ms. Espiritus.”

“Great, just great,” I hissed under my breath and turned with a polite smile to greet him. “Detective, how nice to see you again.”

“Are you here following up your friend's case?”

“No, I am here to pick up my boyfriend, but I heard you have a lead.” My eyes kept wandering to the doors while the detective frowned at me. “Lead?”

“Yes, agent Hazel came by yesterday and said they had a lead and a suspect already in custody.” Lies mixed in with the truth.

He looked puzzled, either there was no lead or detective Kelley was left out of the loop.


I took in the pretty brunette who looked a few years old than myself, heading in our direction.

“Daisy sweetie, what are you doing here?”

“Work, got a call, domestic violence.” There was a glow of love and pride on the detective’s face as she brightly smiled at him.

From the way she dresses and the briefcase she was holding, it was easy to guess her profession. Lawyer.

“Daisy Kelley, attorney.”

I found myself blinking at the hand thrust at my face.

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