chapter 5

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He walked back inside and from afar he could see Beth looking out at the dance floor but his mother and sister were not in sight. He was planning on leaving but looking at Marcus running around with his cousins and Beth looked like she really wanted to dance so why not stay a little longer.

He walked in front of her and held out his hand. "Aye ma you wanna dance?"

She looked at his hand then back up at his face. "I'm not much of a dancer"

"I'll teach you" Three simple words but very effective.

She placed her hand on top of his and he lead the way. "I'm going to step on your toes I'm telling you I'm a horrible dancer".

Rio found an empty spot in the crowd and turned to face her. "Your not all too bad I've seen you dance around the bar".

He placed one hand on her hip in response she placed a hand on his shoulder. "That's different!" She protested.

He laughed one of those hearty laughs she loved so much. "Your going to take two steps to the right two steps to the left. After each two step your going to up your hip a little so basically tap your foot." He could tell by the confused face Beth was making she wasn't quite understanding. "See like that couple right there". He pointed to a couple to their left dancing in perfect sync with the music and each other. She repeated the women's step in her head. Two to the right hip. Two to the left hip. Going to the left you raise your right hip and going to the right you raise your left hip. Easy she thought she just needed to follow the beat like any other dance.

"Got it?" He asked squeezing her hip.

She nodded and let out a breath. "Yeah I think so".

It's not like she's never heard this type of music or seeing people dancing to it but she personally never danced to this or to anything really. Dean was always too busy with women around them to actually pay attention to what she wanted. She always wanted to dance but never got the chance to. She finally got her chance right here right now.

Rio waited until he got a flow of the beat to start. He moved two steps to the left Beth following and looking at his movements. She tapped something Rio almost forgot to do too caught up in teaching her how to it. But he was starting to pick up she knew what she was doing. Two steps to the left tap. She was in sync with him and the music. He was surprised.

"I thought you said you didn't know how to dance?" He smirked down at her. The height difference was slight but it was there.

She looked up at him keeping her rythem steady. "I guess watching people just stuck to my brain" she laughed out couldn't help it really.

He decided to go all in. She ovboiusly knew what she was doing. She got the memo moving closer to him. He had his leg in between hers and she thanked her lucky stars she wasn't wearing pants. Or this dance might have ended early. Both his hands were on her waist. She had one hand on his neck and the other hanging loosely at her side. She had her head buried in his neck. They danced like that for a while until the beat started to pick up. She looked up to people around her gathering, memorizing their movements. She pulled back taking both of Rios hands in hers. He look taken back. She laughed as his face as she picked up the pace. Their movements were smooth matching with the fasting of the beat. Rio was going to test his luck spinning her so her back was pushed into his front. To his surprise she moved her right arm over her left shoulder tapping her left foot, then took her right arm over her left shoulder tapping her right foot. She slowly untangled her arms and he spun her back to face him. There was a little space between them hands crossed and joined.

He looked at her in disbelief shaking his head. "Your a liar".

"What? Why?" She laughed out his face was priceless.

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