Chapter 4

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Dinner was served and everyone started eating. Beth closed her eyes as she enjoyed a bite of a tamale. It's been too long she thought. She had four tamales beans and rice on the side. Everyone else had stacked plates but she was still too nervous to really eat anything.

"Is it good Beth?" Gabriella asked noticing Beth wasn't saying much.

Beth looked up and smiled. "Yes yes it's very delicious". She covered her mouth as she spoke. Manners she thought to herself.

Gabriella looked at Beth's plate noticing she didn't have much on it. "Are you sure you don't want more than that?"

Beth also looked down at her plate and even if the food was amazing her nerves wouldn't allow her to eat more. "Oh no I'm fine with this thank you".

Gabriella nodded and gave her a smile. Beth felt Rio's hand go onto her back and make those smoothing circles. She was going to turn and tell him she was okay until his mom called out for her.

"Beth?" She wore a soft smile whenever she spoke it made Beth feel at ease.

Beth turned her head to look at her. "Yes?"

"So how long have you known my son for?" Beth's heartbeat started to pick up as she felt an interrogation coming.

"Um about half a year now I would say". Her nerves were on edge and she didn't really understand why. Of course this was Rio's mother but it's not like their actually together.

"How exactly did you two meet?" His mother's eyes now on him. Rio cleared his throat and placed his hand on Beth's knee giving it a light squeeze.

"Well she literally ran into me at the super market and from there on we just kept talkin I guess". He took another bite of his food and looked back up at his mom.

Beth nodded. So we're lying she thought. Then again telling her they met because Beth decided to rob a store he had arrangements with showing up at her house with two other guys guns loaded didn't sound fitting now did it.

"So how did you get into the business then?" She turned her attention back to Beth. "Rio usually doesn't like mixing business with pleasure."

Beth didn't really know what to say and at this point she wished Rio would have explained to her exactly how he was introducing her to his family. They would have been able to keep their lies straight.

"Well I..." Beth was a terrible liar when she's put on the spot. "I was explaining my life crisis to him and he just offered to give me a job." His mother had a look on her face like she didn't believe her. Great she thought.

"I see. What exactly were you having trouble with?" Before Beth could even process the question Rio spoke up.

"para con las preguntas por favor mama". Rio turned to look at Beth for a split second before he started eating again.

"Relájate hijo. I'm just trying to get to understand how you two got together". There it was that word again Together. So she's his pretend girlfriend and just thinking about it almost made her laugh.

"Come on sweatheart let's go take some pictures". Rio gave Beth a look as he stood up and grabbed Marcus by the hand.

"I'll go too". Gabriella was about to stand up but Rio chimed in.

"Nah we'll take our family pictures later". Before she could protest Rio was already walking away.

Beth followed him outside. It was now dark out. It was still warm outside but it was much cooler now.

"You should have told me I was coming here to be your girlfriend". She put air quotes around the word girlfriend.

"Yeah well". He nodded his head to the side as Marcus kicked around a soccer ball he found outside.

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