Part 26 - Bridging the Gap

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"Now class," Victoria Dietrich Reilly said, "I want you to tell me about the roles and responsibilities of the adults on board, as we are going to start splitting you off soon so that you can specialize." She glanced over. The oldest of the children on board were Steven MacKenzie who was almost twenty-two, and Hanna Rosen and Penny Curtis were also out of their teens. It was time to get truly serious. "We'll go around the room, and we'll start with the executive staff, all right?"

Several representatives from Engineering were present, as were the people from Food Service, the two areas they were focusing on that day. Tripp, Jenny, Michael and Judy Rostov, and Josh Rosen were all representing Engineering. Lili was there with her crew. José was not present as someone had to keep an eye on things.

Several eager hands shot up as the older ones sat back. Victoria looked around. "Steven, we'll start with you, and then go to your left."

"Our captain is Jonathan Archer. He runs, well, everything."

"Good. Jill?"

Jill Lattimer – who was much younger – stated, "Head of the MACOs is Major Julie McKenzie Mayweather."

"AG?" asked the teacher.

"Main pilot is Lieutenant Commander Travis Mayweather," replied Jonathan and Esilia's son, who was barely eighteen.


Jeffrey Woods, son of Mara Brodsky Woods and Walter Woods, added, "The Tactical Officer is Lieutenant Aidan MacKenzie."

"Right," praised Victoria, "Grace?"

Grace Phlox – she was Phlox and Amanda's third of what had become a brood of nine – responded, "The Communications Officer is Lieutenant Hoshi Sato Khan."

"Correct. Lorian?"

The half-Vulcan was fourteen. He replied, "My father, Charles Tucker III, is the Chief Engineer, with a rank of Commander. He is third in command on this vessel."

"Excellent," replied their teacher, "Maria Elena?"

"My mother, Lili O'Day Torres, is the chef."

"And her rank?" Victoria inquired.

"She's a Lieutenant Commander. Man oh man, there are a lotta Lieutenants!"


In Engineering, José spent his time making sure the warp containment field was stable. It was close work, but he had been doing it, seemingly, forever. There was a lever which was designed to be a rough gauge of problems in the event of a full power outage. It was supposed to be all the way down, but it was maybe one-quarter raised. This was an indication of a possible issue with the warp containment field. Or it could have been a problem with the gauge itself. He enjoyed trying to figure out little puzzles like that. But even with that issue, he could still afford to let his mind wander a little bit.

"That looks monotonous."

He turned to the sound of the unexpected female voice, which belonged to Sandra Sloane Curtis. "'Scuse me?"

"I bet you're bored."

"What?" José was a little annoyed. It was his Zen moment, and she was ruining it.

"I said – it looks really boring." She came closer.

"Aren't you supposed to be helping Vicki with the schoolchildren? Maria Elena said you were supposed to be talking about careers and taking them on tours today – including here in Engineering."

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