Chapter 4 // Finally

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Lena nervously fiddled with her hands when they sat on the couch. Kara sat down and looked at the woman. "Explain."

Lena sighed and started "I-I-I can't." She sighed and looked down.

Kara slowly opened her mouth to say something but closed it again. She took a deep breath and said "How did those children come to earth?"

Lena looked up "Cadmus," She replied "They made it by using our DNA. They used Kryptonian birthing-pods. That's why they are here now, Connor is already three and probably has been with Cadmus for quite some time. But for some reason he is easy and polite. So maybe they sped his life up or something? Making him older? I- I still don't get it. And I don't want our children to be lab rats." Lena took a deep breath to relax herself, Kara almost wanted to help and calm her down, almost. But she knew she had to get answers. So she went to the next topic.

"How did you get somebody that far for faking our marriage?"

The fiddling with Lena's hands got almost to the point that it was restless"I asked Winn. He is one of the six people that know: Him, Alex, Maggie, Hank, you and me. I had to do something, give the children it. So-" A sigh "I asked Winn." Kara slowly nodded.

"My apartment?"

"Ended the lease."

Kara looked at her hands and asked "How many days have you had to care for them alone?"

Lena's voice was suddenly a lot less confident, almost like she was broken "I investigated a warehouse that had strange activity the day you left. There I was met by a empty warehouse apart from these two. I- I have been caring for them ever since, even before I knew Lexie was mine and Connor was Lex'." Kara slowly nodded, that explained a lot. Mostly why Lena acted the way she did but why she needed Kara to be there. 

With that Kara stood up, folded her hands in each other and simply commanded "You are going to take a shower and then take a nap. I will be with the children in the meantime." Lena looked at Kara in disbelief but all Kara did was to make the 'shoo' motion. Lena chuckled and stood up, before she left she gave Kara a hug and thanked her. And with that Kara was left with a sleeping baby in the room.

Kara leaned back in the chair she was sitting and sighed. She grabbed her phone and started playing some sort of game. Ten minutes later the bell ring, indicating somebody was downstairs. So Kara stood up and walked to the control panel. She answered the call from the doorman with "Yes?"

"Hello miss Luthor, yes I know it's you miss Kara. Your sister is here downstairs. With a team. Shall I send them up?"

"Sure, I will wait for them upstairs. Thank you."

"No problem miss Kara."

Kara chuckled and ended the call. She walked to the door and opened it. Only to groan when she heard Lexie fuss and slowly wake up. Within seconds, using her super speed, Kara was next to the crib and grabbed Lexie out of it, rocking her slightly. 

Kara slowly walked back to the door and waited for Alex and her team to come in. While looking at the child in her arms, who was sleeping soundly again Kara heard the elevator door ding. Kara looked up and saw Alex walking towards her in full black tactical gear followed by some DEO people holding up a window. Kara let them in without saying anything and pointed at the broken window. With that she motioned for Alex to follow her. Kara walked to the room with Lexie's name. Kara placed the girl and with that she turned back to Alex who was standing in the doorway a bit awkward.

Kara shooed her out of the room and closed the door behind her. With that she slapped Alex on the back of her head and almost yelled "How could you not helped her! You fucking asshole! Those children are your niece and nephew! And you didn't even think about helping Lena? I get why she cried when I left," Alex tried to speak but Kara just raised her voice and continued "No! You don't get to speak since you didn't help! How could you leave Lena alone! That woman is cracked because of you! So get the fuck out of my house and come back when you are ready to care about my family-" Kara slowly started to sound more broken and broken. In the end arms were wrapped around her as Alex pulled her into a hug.

The hot breath of Alex's mouth by her ear kinda startled her. In a hushed tone, not a whisper yet, Alex spoke up "I'm sorry. I-I was just so involved with Maggie that I completely forgot about Lena and your children. But I won't forgot it anymore- never," Kara slowly nodded against Alex's shoulder and let out a whimper. "It's okay to cry Kara. Just let it all out." And with that Kara let it all out, the shock of the previous events finally catching up with her. 

Minutes later, when Kara only was sniffing, Alex' phone went off. Alex quickly let go of Kara and checked her phone. With an apologetic look on her face she looked up and said "DEO business, I need to go." Kara was in the middle of removing the tears on her face but she nodded. Alex placed a kiss on Kara's cheek and rushed out of the hallway.

That's when Kara was Lena, standing there, leaning against the wall, looking fresh but tired, her arms crossed. Kara was the first to speak up "You saw or heard all of that, didn't you?"

Lena nodded and walked closer, she held out her hand and said "Come to bed, darling."

Kara looked to the door next to her, Lexie's room and asked "You have a crib there?" Lena nodded "You grab Lexie, I grab Connor." Lena smiled and nodded again. With that Kara walked to Connor's room and opened the door. She smiled when she saw the boy fast asleep in bed. Kara walked over and picked the boy up. With that she walked to Lena's room, she knew which one it was since she had a sleepover there once. And was greeted by Lena placing Lexie in the crib.

Kara walked to the bed and placed Connor in the middle and joined him on the right side, knowing Lena preferred left. Kara pulled Connor close and the boy mumbled something and then nuzzled closer, when Lena finally entered the bed Kara also pulled her close. Making the woman's heartbeat sped up. Kara was about to chuckle when she heard it quickly calm down, so Kara just closed her eyes and slowly fell asleep learning the heartbeats in the room.

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