Chapter 3 // Talk

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Lena looked at her with hopeful eyes, waiting for her to continue so she quickly said "Okay, I will do it." Lena nodded and with that Kara felt a tug on her leg.

Kara looked down and saw Connor holding his hands up asking to be carried. So Kara picked him up and he immediately said "Ieiu," Kara almost gasped when she heard him speak Kryptonese "I just helped mama!"

Kara smiled proudly at the little man and said "Yes, you did buddy! I am so proud of you. But it's nap time, so we are going to put you in bed," The boy yawned but shook her head so Kara said "No, buts buddy. I am going to put you in bed." She looked at Lena who was standing there a bit uneasy and luckily Lena got what Kara wanted, to guide her to Connor's room. Together they walked to Connor's room where his name was on a sign. She boy had already fallen asleep in Kara's arms but Kara didn't mind. She got inside the room and put him in his big boy bed. 

She tucked him in and walked back to the door where Lena was waiting. Kara grabbed Lena's hand and back to the kitchen where the two rings where on the ground. Kara let go of Lena's right hand, she did feel the ring on her finger, and walked to the rings. She grabbed them of the ground, inspected it for damage, finding none, and put them on their respective placed on her hands. Her left ring finger and her right ring finger.

She turned back to Lena who was standing a bit nervous. With a confused crinkle she asked "What?" Lena didn't budge so she pointed at the window and said "If you mean that giant hole, I think Alex is on it," Lena slowly nodded. But Kara could clearly see that Lena had something different in mind. So Kara stepped closer and asked "Could you tell me what's on your mind? I want to help."

Suddenly Lena looked down and silently said "Two things."

"Okay," Kara took a deep breath "Two things then."

Lena looked up and said "We don't have Kryptonian names for them yet. Do you have an idea?"

Kara sighed and thought about good names she quickly came with Kon-El for Connor and Lexie.. Lexie would be difficult so she said "Kon-El for Connor and we can just keep Lexie with Lexie Luthor-El. Since she is part of us both," Lena hesitantly nodded but then sighed and just normally nodded. Kara raised an eyebrow and asked "The second thing?"

Lena took a deep breath and started "I am sorry," Kara tilted her head to the side "For putting you in this mess, but I want those children to have two parents. And since Kal-El abandoned Connor we have two children instead of one-" Kara sighed and put her hands on her head which clearly startled Lena since she stopped talking. 

Kara looked at Lena since she stopped talking and quickly said "It's bad that I gave you the feeling that you need to apologise for this stuff you didn't choose for yourself," Kara stepped closer and held onto Lena's upper arms saying "If we are going to do this, act like a married couple then I need you to understand that you do not need to apologise for this, ever, understood," Lena nodded and with that Kara kissed Lena's head and pulled her into a hug.

Kara slowly rubbed Lena's back and said "We are literally have the worst start ever of being parents. Me flying through a window to get away from you and you going down due to the stress of taking care of not one, but two children- little question, did Alex help you?"

Lena shook her head and Kara sighed, Lena looked up since she is the shorter woman so Kara simply explained "I have to get mad at her since you are family now and she didn't took care of you or our children. I can guess that all the legal documents are taken care of?" Lena nodded "No signature needed?"

Lena stepped away from Kara and shook her head "No, I forged your signature."

Kara gulped her saliva down and stated "You must have been pretty desperate if you did that." Lena hummed in response, suddenly Kara's phone ringed so she quickly grabbed it out of her boot, since she was still in her Supersuit. She saw that it was Alex and answered "Hello sister of mine."

"You don't sound happy to hear from me, did I do something wrong?"

"Yes- yes you did, so you are going to come to Lena's place with a team, we will ring you up and the you will hear me whisper-yell for five minutes straight. Understood?" Kara's voice sounded colder by the word. She looked up at Lena who was looked kinda scared and confused. 

"Yes, sorry. I will be there in five."

"Good bye," And with that Kara ended the call, when she looked up at Lena the other woman was looking slightly bemused. Kara got a crinkle and asked "What?"

"You sounding terrifying kinda turned be on."

Kara loudly exclaimed "Lena!" But she remembered there was a baby close to them so she said a much less loud "Lena, you can't just say that!"

Lena chuckled, clearly amused, and said "Yes, I can. I have been flirting with you shamelessly, because which CEO goes to some reporter to give them an invite? No one, Kara and now we are married so I need to up my game."

Kara slowly took a couple steps back and said "What?" She shook her head and asked again "What are you talking about?"

Lena took a couple steps towards Kara, pointing her finger at the woman "I am saying that I have been flirting with you for quite some time. And now I have you, so I can talk about it freely."

Kara took another step back, her hands going up again "Before I fly away again there is no connection between you liking me and us being married?" Lena shook her head and Kara let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. "Okay, talk,"

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