Chapter 2 // Reaction

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Kara froze, the only sounds that she could hear were Lena's breath and the sound of metal dropping on the floor, the rings. Kara looked down and after a couple seconds of staring she abruptly turned her head to Lena. She took a step back from Lena and put her hands up to distance her from Lena. She harshly said "Is this some kind of joke?" Kara quickly looked behind her and saw an balcony, she quickly turned back sensing Lena walking closer. 

"Wait- Let me explain-" Was all Kara could hear before literally flying through the window. She rushed through the afternoon sky of National City. Kara flew mindlessly to Alex' apartment, since she was distracted by the sound of Lena and Lexie crying, and only knew what she was doing when she landed on the balcony. Kara quickly xrayed the room and saw not one- but two people so she knocked on the door. 

After a couple seconds, and a gun getting cocked the door slid open, Alex immediately flew in Kara's arms, holding her tight. Kara sighed, buried her head in Alex' neck and closed her eyes.  Trying to block out the sound of Lena and Lexie crying. But she was shaking, not from rage or anger but from shock. The first thing Kara did when Alex let go off her after a couple of minutes was to ask a rather harshly "Did you know?"

Alex took a step back and asked "Did I know what?" Looking and sounding confused.

"You didn't, okay-" Kara sighed, dropped her head and tried to think clearly. "I- Apparently I am married."

"You're what?!"

Alex sounded quite angry and scoffed so Kara quickly explained "I just found out! I have children, the lock on my house is changed and-" Kara sighed "Okay, let's start from the start, you remember Barry?" Alex nodded "I went to his universe, they needed some help defeating some aliens." Alex only nodded and crossed her arms, with that the other presence in the room made itself known.

"Hey little Danvers, does this have anything to do with Lena Luthor because you seemed quite protective of her." Kara turned to Maggie and simply nodded.

Exclaiming "Yes! So when I got back I went to my house only to find my key not working, so I was about to call you when I saw a couple of calls from Lena. So I called her and she was very secretive since she only said, I kid you not, 'Come home, darling' That was all she said. So I went to her house, thinking that was the home she was referring to and when I arrived she had this baby girl in her arms," Kara walked into the room, completely oblivious to Alex' and Maggie's confused looks, and sat down on Alex' couch. And tried to focus on any other sound that Lena and Lexie crying. She thought about Winn but every time when she succeed for a second she ended up with Lena's and Lexie's cries in her head  "And when I asked her who's child that was she said ours. Then she started explaining that child and another were made by Cadmus, don't worry, the boy isn't mine. But still I got to meet Lexie, she named her after you Alex and then Lena dragged me to her kitchen and gave me an envelope. I got the contents out and it were two rings, two fucking rings." 

Kara sighed and looked at her hands after a minute of silence she spoke up and said "I am married to her. And I just malfunctioned, I had to get out of there, so I flew through a window. And before I knew it I was here. But now they won't stop crying."

Kara looked down again and Maggie was the first to pipe up "Who won't stop crying?"

"Lena and Lexie, they keep on crying. There is somebody else there, hugging her since their heartbeats are very close. But Lena. Won't. Stop. Crying." Kara punctuated each word and looked up and Alex and Maggie who were standing in front of her.

Alex hesitantly walked forward and sat next to Kara. She put a hand on Kara's knee and hesitantly started "Kara- uh- Okay. So, I-uh I knew about the child as one of the only people. Clark told me because Lena approached him with Connor, but he declined. So- I- I am sorry this is happening but Lena has had a rough couple of weeks and she probably hoped for a better reaction from you."

Maggie sat down on the other side of Kara and said "Lena had to go through the start of the journey alone. We didn't know she was going to marry you but I think she did it for a reason, to make sure the children had a family. She might had to ask you but she wanted Connor and Lexie to have something good, something worth it. But Kara let me ask you this: Is Lena worth it?" 

Kara sighed and looked at her hands on her knees, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, with a hesitant voice she said "Yes."

Alex spoke up "Okay, so- than we can only give you the advice to change into your suit and fly to your wife. Because she needs help and she needs it quickly." Kara nodded and quickly stood up, she rushed to the balcony and yelled "Thank you!" Before flying off to Lena's apartment. Kara rushed to Lena's apartment, this time changed, and entered it by going through the broken window. She saw Lena sitting on the ground, holding the baby tight, with a young boy next to her. 

Kara quickly walked to Lena and squatted in front of the woman. With that she pulled Lena to her and hushed her by whispering nice things. Minutes later Lena finally stopped crying and was only whimpering. Kara looked up at the boy and removed an arm from Lena. She motioned for him the join the hug so he did. Some time later Kara let go of Lena and grabbed the still crying baby who was now lying on the ground and stood up. She slowly started to hum an old Kryptonese lullaby and rocked the child and with that the child slowly started to fall asleep.

Kara turned back to look at Lena and Connor and saw them still sitting on the ground, hugging each other tight. Kara sighed and looked around the room for a crib or something, she saw one a bit further away in Lena's living room and walked to it, placing the child in it. She returned to Lena and Connor didn't hug anymore and with that she pulled Lena to her feet and simply said "Okay."

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