Chapter 2: God Damn It, Arin

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   Arin looks excited, to say the least, that I may have a crush on his best friend, Dan. He smirks and says quietly, "On a scale of one to ten, how much do you want to fu—"

   "Arin!" I hiss, knowing that I'm blushing. I sigh. "You're so immature."

   "Answer the question!" Arin demands.

   "No," I say. "I really regret telling you about this."

   "Okay, okay, new question." He puts a hand on my shoulder and lowers his voice. "On a scale of one to ten, how mad would you be if I told Dan?"

   I glare at Arin and go, "Twenty."

   Arin whistles and mutters, "Damn. That's a lot of rage."

   I nod. "Which is exactly why you won't breathe a word of this to Dan."

   Arin smiles mischievously and says, "No promises."

   Then he skips back into the living room. Where Dan is located.

   I'm legit two seconds away from strangling that boy.

   Man, having an adult child as a brother is great.

I roll my eyes and walk into the living room as well, hoping that I won't have to smack my big brother. But if he tells Dan, I might not have a choice.

Arin's back at the TV set, controller in his hands. "All right, I can do this," he's saying to himself over and over again. Dan is watching him, munching on some Sour Patch Kids.

"Is this for a video, or..?" I ask, looking around. I don't see any cameras...

Dan shakes his head, eyes still on the TV screen. "Nope. We're just doing it for fun right now."

"Fun?" Arin scoffs. "This is not fun."

"Then why are you playing it?" I say, laughing slightly.

Arin goes silent. Then, "Lemme rephrase. It's fun but hella frustrating."

I look at the graphics of the game. Ah. I know which Mega Man this is. "Mega Man 3, huh?" I ask, chuckling. "I've beaten this game before."

Arin looks at me with a "that's bullshit" look as he dies. "All right, big shot. Try to beat this boss, then."

"All right," I say. I sit down on the couch and grab Arin's controller from him. I'm about to press "continue" when...

"Wait!" Dan says.

I look over at him. "What?"

He grabs a Sour Patch Kid from his bag. With a smile, he hands me it. "For good luck. Kill that motherfucker."

I smile back and pop it into my mouth. "Thanks. With the fuel of your gift, I shall defeat this boss."

"That's not the only thing you'll be putting in your mouth," Arin mumbles, smiling to himself.

I nearly spit the Sour Patch Kid out. "Arin!" I hiss. "What did I tell you?"

Meanwhile, Dan looks confused as hell. I can tell he wants clarification, even though he doesn't ask.

"What? It's true!" Arin says, giggling.

Finally, Dan says something. "Um, I'm not sure if I'm following."

And I'm not gonna let him follow. "Oh, it's nothing. I just told Arin of my crush, and now he's bothering me about it."

"Yeah, it's totally not you or anything," Arin mumbles, acting all innocent.

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